Shooting at Mall in Kingston
Today my mother and sister called to tell us to listen to CNN. On the national news was the story about some jerk who pulled out an assault weapon and started shooting at the mall we use most often. Really brings this crazy stuff home to you. I just was happy to hear that 2 store employees jumped the guy after he ran out of ammo. That's the upstate NY spirit! Thank God no one was killed. (I probably should have posted this in pointless and hostile!)
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Shooting at Mall in Kingston
This is the reason I never travel alone. Smith & Wesson are always there.
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Shooting at Mall in Kingston
My fool state voted down conceal and carry two years ago!
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Shooting at Mall in Kingston
The sadly ironic part of this whole story is that shootings like this were the reason cited for the rather draconian laws the government brought in requiring registration of all guns and VERY strict ownership and transportation regulations.
At the time the gun lobbyists argued, apparently very correctly, that if criminals were proposing to use firearms in the commission of a crime, it was highly unlikely they would be concerned about violating gun control laws as well.
The only justification the government could offer was that if there were less guns around there would be less available to the criminals to use.
The legislators apparently figured that nobody would import guns from the U.S., just like nobody imports drugs, booze, smokes or illegal immigrants either, right? .
Best of luck.
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Shooting at Mall in Kingston
Could someone explain how being able to carry concealed weapons would have prevented the Mall shooting?
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Shooting at Mall in Kingston
I am not sure anything could or would have prevented this but for starters someone with a gun could have put this sick individual to sleep before he was able to do as much damage as he did. Could have saved the tax payers a LOT of money in legal and confinement costs.
One small but VERY important point I would like to clarify. To my knowledge this sicko did NOT use an "assault weapon" to shoot up the mall. Any assault weapon is a selectable fire fully automatic (machine gun) firearm which is already controlled under Title II of the National Firearms Act NFA.
The most important issue I would like to point out here is the issue is most certainly NOT the weapon used.............it is the nut that's pulling the trigger.
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Shooting at Mall in Kingston
"...for starters someone with a gun could have put this sick individual to sleep before he was able to do as much damage as he did."
Instant rehabilitation.
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Shooting at Mall in Kingston
All the news reports of the incident I read or heard called the weapon a "assault-style rifle".
I prefer to think of vigilante-style retribution as the only type of justice where the chances of re-offending are slim to none.
Mind you, I was also raised to think that 'gun control' only means hitting what you aim at.......
Best of luck.
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Shooting at Mall in Kingston
Carrying a spare tire won't prevent a flat. But it's good to know you have one with you.
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Shooting at Mall in Kingston
Ann, think about this scenario. At the age of 18, every citizen is mandated to take a gun safety course, and given a concealable firearm which they must carry. Will Joe-Crack-Addict pull a gun any more on an unsuspecting citizen?
No more gun crime.
Broken: That was a joke, wasn't it? The citizens of WI supported the legislation overwhelmingly, as did the legislature, the only non-supporters were the politician Sheriffs. Even the real cops, the beat cops on the street were behind the legislation. Doyle vetoes it. Our Governor needs to go, period.
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