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Iowa sweet corn
Things have gotten a bit rough and tumble around here for a couple days, I had my opinions of course, but they would have only added fuel to the fire. Murf our moderator and Dennis handled things just fine.
Lets lighten things up a bit now, "IOWA SWEET CORN" it's ready, none better, a bit of bragging if you don't mind.
Been having it at least once a day and have frozen a bunch for winter. Along with home grown tomatoes, new potatoes, fresh green beans, Yum. Now I'm sure they grow good sweet corn in Michigan, Canada or whereever the season is right for it. Have a mess of corn and enjoy the day.
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Iowa sweet corn
Frank, you may be right on Iowa having the best sweet corn but if it is any better than the one have been getting the last three years don't want to taste it, would be bigger than the state of Michigan. We had an unusual Sunday Dinner (for those not from the South that is the Mid Day meal, Supper is the evening one. Lunch, that is a snack.) To begin with it was about 100 degrees, but under the pecan tree only low 90's to grill over charcoal hamburgers and hot dogs and in the smoker section corn in the shucks. Finished that with cold watermelon. It just don't get any better, well maybe Iowa corn.
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Iowa sweet corn
We'll call a truce on the sweet corn, having it still on the stalk at ten in the morning and on your plate at noon is the key to good corn.
I consider us as being from the south too, south of Minnesota that is. Being we're old farm folks dinner is at noon and supper in the evening, and as you say lunch is anytine in between that you small a fresh pie or warm cookies on the counter.
A cardiologist would faint dead away if he would have been around when I was a little kid in the fourties. A farm breakfast after a couple hours of morning chores was Sow belly - (Non smoked bacon), or pork chops with fried taters. Then of course what ever meat was on hand along with mashed taters, gravy, and whatever vegetable was in season or from the store house of summer canned veggies in the cellar at dinner. Supper was usually leftovers from dinner but stiil very tasty and plenty to go around.
Being all of our kids went to the city to seek their fortunes we still have to confirm if they invite us or we invite them to a meal whether dinner is at noon or in the evening.
Some of the places we lived had a "Summer kitchen", which was a seperate building from the house that had a cook stove and usually the Maytag washing machine to keep the heat from the wood fired cook stoves and boiling the wash water on the cookstove out of the house in the summer.
Iowa gets cold, yes, but this time of year with a garden full of about every vegetable and sweet corn that God ever invented, plus the lack of alagators, it just aint too bad right here.
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Iowa sweet corn
A cardiologist would faint dead away if he would have been around when I was a little kid in the fourties.
Doesn't seem to have done you too much harm Frank. 
I was thinking about you folks down there over the weekend, darndest thing what happened at Lake Delhi huh?
Sure would be neat to see though.
Unfortunately, our corn is still probably 3 weeks off. Oh well.
Best of luck.
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Iowa sweet corn
It is hard to realize how much the growing seasons vary. So Murf will be depending on air drops for late corn.
Frank there was one more reason for those stand alone kitchens and that was fire. It was often the kitchen where the fires began and that moved the main source away from the main house.
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Iowa sweet corn
Yes, even tho they ate everything that is against any dietician's advice today my Father lived to 95, and Mom may have lived a lot longer but cancer took her in her 70's
The Delhi Lake is about 30 miles NE of the farm as the crow flies. It was built as a privately owned dam in the fifties sometime. They made electricity there for a while and the owner sold lots up and down the lakeshore for cabins. It was known as "Freddies Beach", the original owners wife survives and still owns it.
Some friends of my parents had a cabin there in the 60's, we used to go there on Sunday afternoons. I haven't been up around the lake in quite a while but the cabins turned into high dollar lake mansions. A cousin of mine sold theirs on the lake shore there about ten yeats ago for a quarter mill, that he paid something in the 90-100K range ten years or so prior I wouldn't have believed it but he showed me the check.
If you want to see some pictures click up KCRG-TV9, then scroll down under "Local news" to 100 aerial photos by Doug Moore. I think Pictures # 8 and 13 show the dam from the downstream side. The dam its'self is still there but the earthen roadway berm leading to the south end of the dam/bridge washed away.
I forgot about the fire danger part of summer kitchens. Mom used to render hog lard on the cook stove in the wash house/summer kitchen, talk about a fire waiting to happen.
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Iowa sweet corn
Frank along the lines of the summer kitchen, I heard your bathroom caught fire but thankfully someone put it out before it got to the house. And that was a two-holer bathroom waddinit?
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Iowa sweet corn
Well yes, that was a close call. We had a relative from Michigan who left a lit cigar on the Sears catalog, any of your kin possibly?
He said he'd replace it, but I'm still watin. He sent a new catalog, but no two holer yet.
Winter is just around the corner, if you see him tell him that one with a wood stove in it would be a step up.
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Iowa sweet corn
Well Frank the last of our fresh corn went in freezer last night.
Watching EW and Frank is like watching a puppy and the old hound. Just no comparision, will nip on his heels but as far as it goes. Keep it Old Jeff, enjoy the show. The puppy does learn.
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