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 08-12-2005, 19:42 Post: 114783

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Laughing out loud I am still laughing at the stupidity of folks working as so called salesman! Let me frame this out for you all. I E-mail 5 dealers asking for their best price on a wheeler. I tell them I am NOT traveling for qoutes, fuel price and my time are worth as much as anything to me. Besides some of these dealers are 100 miles away and if I am buying it is OK to travel but to just get a qoute it is stupid! I told them that in the email! I am NOT traveling for qoutes!
OK, 4 of the five have (right on their web sight) "contact us for a price qoute!" I contact all 4 of them and three get back to me with the SAME response! "Bring in your best documented qoute and we will meet or beat it!" Laughing out loud HELLO!!!!!! Anyone on the other end of this e-mail system?? One dealer qouted me a high ball price $5500 for a 2005 polarus 400 sportsman. He also said, " Bring your trailer and we can deal a bit more"! I give him credit, at least he offered a figure although it is NOT his best price! (like I asked for). One dealer (even after 2 repeat e-mails) has NOT responded to me yet. (5 days now).
Am I this out of it? Am I expecting too much? HELLO!! I am e-mailing from atleast 45 miles away and I told them I will buy the wheeler if I walk in their store. Woulndt you at least TRY to give me a price? OR Is it because they all have a low ball price but dont want to give it up right away? Which I can understand,,, but understand this! I AM NOT coming into your store unless I like the price you tell me! HELL Why would I want to drive 100 miles only to have a dealer MEET a price I have on my back door steps? Isnt this sale's 101??? If a dealership can make a sale from a out of town person that is only buying and coming into your town for 1 reason, wouldnt you try to make a sale even if you only made a couple hundred bucks?(give or take, I have no idea what the mark up is or their incentives are)
Yes I am frustrated! Almost to the point of walking into my local dealer and telling him I want THIS> RIG, for 5K and seeing what he will do. Even if I pay more than if I travel for anouther one I think I will feel better to cram it to the others that had a chance to make a sale and did NOT listen to a customer.
Done venting'
Thanks for listening

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 08-12-2005, 21:15 Post: 114789

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Some of them are incredibly dumb. Once I was truck shopping and already had financing arranged. I went to a dealer and told them that I was NOT going to fill out a credit app to get a price and that I had just walked out from another dealer for this very reason. The sales guy said NO PROBLEM, and we went out to look at trucks. I was interested in one on the lot so asked for a price. The sales guy said to come to his office and he'd work it up. Got to his office and the first words out of his mouth were that I would have to fill out a credit app to show that I was a serious buyer! It was fun standing up and walking out.

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 08-13-2005, 02:58 Post: 114796

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Not sure if this is worth the drive but these guys have the best prices I have seen on Honda and Yamaha's. Might give you an alternative to consider.

Link:   Lake Hill Motors 

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 08-13-2005, 22:50 Post: 114825

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I just got anouther email from anouther dealer. Here is the difference
Wow Steven best time to be looking for a wheeler! We
have huge savings on our o5 inventory! We have the
400 for 4699 in the paper! Pick a color and pick it
up! Cedar Creek will sell them cheaper than any other
dealer so get in here and lets make a deal!
Thank you,
Cedar Creek Motor Sports
That was his email. Now which dealer do you think I will visit? The one in my town that qouted me $5300? The one that said come in with a legit price and we will beat it? Or the one that put it on the line and actually told me the price?
Here is my question now. Do I copy this email and go to my local dealer and ask for them to match it? Or do I say piss on them and take a road trip (only 45 miles) and buy from a dealer that does not mark things up to stick it to the locals?
One last question. In his e-mail he says, "Cedar Creek will sell them cheaper than any other
dealer so get in here and lets make a deal" Do you think I can ask for a winch with it at that price or maybe a few more bucks off ????
Man I am glad I shopped online, Even at that price (if I paid him what he asks, I would be saving $601!!!! Thats alot of money! That also tells me what a mark up is on these rigs especially since the dealer in my town is very large and the only dealer in a town of almost 100K people!

I think I better get in ther and buy this wheeler?

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 08-14-2005, 17:34 Post: 114864

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Tom I thought you said you were buying an LS185.b? tehehehe

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 08-15-2005, 07:02 Post: 114881

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I guess some people would give the local dealer a chance to meet or beat. Personally I went through pretty much the same experience with buying a motorcycle. I used e-mail and phone calls to see what kind of response I got from dealers; the enthusiastic ones are the ones I dealt with. I ended up making a 15-hour trip to a dealership to purchase a used bike, based on the salesman's response and the price of the bike. (He called me in response to e-mails, e-mailed pictures to me, aswered all my questions). Haven't regretted it for a minute. I prefer to do my business locally, but if I have to beat good service out of 'em, forget it.

When I bought my TC29, the closest dealer (45 minutes away) got three chances, I couldn't get as far as a price quote, even after driving there (customer service was terrible). Called the next closest dealer, 1-1/2 hours away, and he dealer traded one up for me without a deposit, without even meeting me in person. That dealer had great customer service.

Good luck on your 4-wheeler.


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 08-15-2005, 11:38 Post: 114894

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Bill, I agree, there are some real dumb sales people out there.

I often have to buy or rent equipment far from home, sometimes I get a good deal, sometimes I get a bit of a haircut, but it's likely still cheaper than shipping it from home or my local dealer, who BTW treats me like royalty.

My all time favourite was a small town dealer who wanted my whole life story and a credit app. for the purchase of a used tractor. I said no thanks, cash purchase, do you still take cash money?

He said "Not yours I won't."

I almost fell over, then I had a thought. He must think I'm talking about Canadian cash, instead of American green-backs, so I pulled out a handfull of cash to show him I was serious. He was impressed, and apparently serious also. He excused himself and slipped out of the office. 3 minutes later he returned.

With the local SHERIFF!!!!!

He had called the police figuring the money was bogus, or drug money, or it was some sort of scam or something!!!! The Sheriff starts asking me all sorts of dumb questions in an agry tone.

After about 20 minutes the Sheriff was satisfied and left. The dealer merely said "If you want the tractor, drive into town and give that cash to the bank and get a money order for it, then bring that back to me.".

I drove into town alright, in one end and right out the other!! On my way out I saw a county worker cutting grass on the roadside, I asked him if there was a tractor dealer around. He sent me to a real nice guy up the road about 10 miles.

When the second dealer heard about what happened at the first place he laughed and said he was surprised the other dealer didn't call the FBI or Secret Service instead of the Sheriff.

BTW, the second dealer had a better unit, for less money, and when I told him I just needed it to run our big pump for a month or so he offered to rent me a big self-contained pump he had in inventory instead.

He "niced" himself out of a sale!!! (Although he did Ok on the rent I guess.)

Best of luck.

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 08-15-2005, 12:51 Post: 114897

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Murf- That's too funny! Thanks for the good laugh. Now THAT is a stupid dealer.

brokenarrow- Don't know what to tell you. Some of them have this attitude that the internet isn't a place people do business.

Some dealers just don't watch the salepeople they hire. They have no clue if the salesman is doing his job.

My local dealer has gone downhill. Now if I need a price or info on anything, I have to call, leave a message. When (and if) they call back in a day or two I tell then what I need and they need to "look it up" and call me later (for simple, standard items!)

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 08-15-2005, 13:12 Post: 114902

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There are always several ways to view this type of situation. A dealer may think that your lack of wanting to drive to his place of business is a waste of time for him. You have to expend some energy on your own.

Chances are if he gives you a price quote, you will just take it to your local dealer to drive down the price and buy it from the local guy anyway. Which is a waste of time for him.

My local dealer says he won't be undersold. So to get him to come down, you need to take the time and energy to go elsewhere to find the best deal than go back to him. In the mean time you have wasted the time of many other salesmen, learned a whole bunch about the product, its operation and accessories. So when you go back to the local guy he will give you the best deal but will not have wasted his salespeople's time and energy. You will know exactly what you want and how to best use it. In the long run you will be happy, the local dealer will be happy while you get local support and maintenance.

Forget internet sales, if it is mechanical and will need service support at some future time.

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 08-15-2005, 13:34 Post: 114903

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When we were car shopping we went to the local Toyota dealer to talk to the sales guy. After negotiating the "best" price the salesman was way too high and refused to go lower. We went home and emailed the fleet/internet sales manager at the same dealership who immediately replied with a quote $2900 lower than their other salesman gave us on the same car. We bought from the fleet guy and the regular sales guy was really stewing when we left.

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