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The Gold Wing of ATV s
I almost forgot to ask you how much weight you lost. I need to work on some "stored reserve calorie" reduction myself.
Hey.......and how about the room for our size 14EE clod hoppers on those Honda floor boards ehh?!?! I will have to admit that I had to buy a XXL helmet for my watermelon head. :O)
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
Wow! 50 mph is scary fast enough! You are right. I have the manual shift Foreman and don't have a speedometer. I have to drive on a short stretch of road to get to the field entrances on my property and I keep trying to shift into 6th gear which is not there. Maybe I am going faster than I realize. I have not rev'd the engine to more than very moderate rpm's as I am still in the break-in stage for these ATV's and getting accustomed to them.
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
According to the speedo on my ES, 42-45MPH is easy to hit...I wish I had a tach to know how many RPM's...etc. I have about 50 hours on my machine...very happy, except the plastic gets scratched EASILY (I guess all ATV's do)...hard to keep as clean as my New Holland! And...don't feel bad about your melon...I had to get a XXXL helmet. And, if XXXXL were available...uh, never mind.
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
Randy (or anyone else who has one),
I would like to get a different ATV for running around the farm and woods. My Honda 185 three-wheeler is really a little tractor, but it's 24 years old and there are safety issues. How is the Recon 250 sized for an adult male? I would rather have a smaller engine like the 250 and thus less weight. A bit smaller is better for me, as long as it's not too small.
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
The Recon is somewhere between 1/3 to 1/4 the size of the Foreman. I have ridden it with no issues so far. It even accomodates big feet on the floor boards but my Recon 250 is the electric shift model. I am not sure how the manual shift model would be with big feet. I don't think it would be a problem though. It still has plenty of power and get up and go. There is noticably less ground clearance due to the smaller tires which may or may not be an issue. I think it would be a great choice for a low cost ATV for the applications you state. Those are the exact reasons we purchased it along with the Foreman.
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
I guess it depends on your use and the weight you will be putting on the machine. I'm one of these guys that always wants to have power in reserve. I can tell you that I used to have an ATC90 3 wheeler LONG AGO. My dad rode it, and it did what he wanted it to. I have 30% grade hills, and rarely have a need for my 4WD on my Foreman. It handles much better at low speeds in 2WD. But, I like to know I have it, and have been in muddy situations that I would not have climbed without it. I weigh about 250, and rode a Honda 350 Rancher all over a volcano in Hawaii. It had plenty of power, if that was all I was going to do. However, I pull a small trailer, with firewood, gravel, etc., it might get up to about 800-1000#, and my Foreman never hesitates. The new quads are much more stable than the old 3 wheelers, but can still flip if you are not careful. Good Luck!
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
Losing weight..... well there are a lot of things going on at once. I just can't treat my body the way I have in the past 30 years and have had to make some hard choices. I have been courting problems with my digestion, blood pressure, blood sugar and joints.
So I have been eating a lot less and pushing the plate away sooner, especially at dinner.
Then there is being sick with a weird liver thing for the last six months... but I wouldn't recommend that way. BTW, not to worry, I am on the mend now.
Anyway all-in-all 30 pounds has disappeared and the amazing thing is I can see were another 30 must come off.
Bottom line: I want to keep on living and enjoying my life and my wonderful wife as long as I can so making some radical decisions is pretty easy at this point.
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
Good for you Mark. I should be following your example.
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
Glad to hear you heard the wake-up call before it so loud as it did with me Mark.
Randy, take heed ole buddy, we're not 19 year old grunts or jarheads anymore... your wife & kids will thank you for it.
I am constantly amused when people I know lose a few pounds and get in shape, all of a sudden their like "Wow I can see my toes again, and I took the dog for a 2 hour walk the other day and I wasn't even winded!".
Best of luck.
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
It has other rewards..... sleeping all night and not waking up the entire house sounding like an out-of-tune chain saw comes to mind.
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