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The Gold Wing of ATV s
Mark, I have been a extreme snorer for years. Even when I was at my fittest and trim as a young man. Have you had a sleep study done? I strongly recommend it. My problem got really bad after I returned from Desert Storm and I would stop breathing altogether while sleeping. The violent and sobbering results of choking in my sleep scared my wife and I to death. I got a sleep study and the Army issued me a CPAP machine which made a HUGE difference in my quality of life and sleep. Waking up with pounding headaches was tremendously improved and I awoke feeling much more rested. If you haven't, you may want to look into this. Sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, heart problems, and many other symptoms.
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
Yup... they threatened me with a CPAP too. Like you, I was a snorer even when I only weighed a hundred kilos.
I decided to try other methods first and finally discovered saline spray. It is amazing how well such a simple thing like that can be so effective.
Of course the weight loss helps a lot too.
When I look around I see very, very, few 60 year old fat guys. That says a lot right there. We gotta be flexible and change with the times.
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
From several rumors, I would put money on a Honda side-by-side at September's show. In fact I WILL put money down soon to be one of the first to own one. It will have either a Rincon or Rubicon drive train, and the Rubicon versitility is desired. However, give me all independent suspension! Don't like belt drive systems!
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The Gold Wing of ATV s
I have had a 250 recon manual for about 4 years. Just bought a 400 sportsman but kept the recon. The ride is tough on the recon (especially after riding a full suspention like the sportsman.) When the kid and I go out on the wheelers, I still take the recon. Its so small I can tell it exactly what I want it to do. Its just about floats over the muddy water holes on the trails. Cant remember ever getting stuck (although I am not stupid either, I know its limitations) All in all its a great little ride. My friends mostly laughed at me at first. I had no payments ever, and they still were making em after 3 years . For light work around the farm and for reliable transportation I think its a great choice. Only real draw back besides the suspension is the ground clearance in snow. Light fluffy stuff is no problem but as soon as it gets heavy or a rust on it you will be stuck in 6 inches.
I love the recon , it was the right choice for me at that time, it does not owe me a thing!
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