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Sprayer for ATV
Don't think the wind will not bother or affect you with a boom. If you read a good spray nozzle catalog it will point out which nozzles give you the larger doplet size which is LESS affected by the wind or drift.
Murf, I fully understand that boom tilt. Can be wicked.
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Sprayer for ATV
dk, we've had really good luck with Bayer products, it turns out they can cure headaches in turf as well!! .
They have a new product out the last few years which is a broad spectrum fungicide, that is it acts on nearly any fungus you are likely to encounter in your lawn, the most common being things like dollar spot, brown patch and rust.
It is marketed under the name Armada™ by Bayer and is really just a combination of two of their best (IMHO) sellers, Compass and Bayleton which have been around for years. It is approved for the 14 most common turf funguses.
You should be able to get it at any farm supply, TSC, Co-Op or that type of store.
As for the wind, all we do is wait for a calm night without too much dew then apply it at right at, or as close to dawn as possible. You will generally have more than enough time before the breeze picks up. If this is not possible you can lower the nozzle, reduce the flow, and travel a little faster and still apply in a breeze, just be sure to stay downwind of anything you don't want sprayed.
Best of luck.
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Sprayer for ATV
I made a three point carrier (like what goes into your trucks reciever hitch to add cargo carrier?) Used the tractors three point lifting ability to raise and lower the 25 gallon Fimco sprayer that ALSO comes in a trailer version! This is a pretty decent set up for the occasional sraying and will cost you less than $200 (depending on what you get) Look up Fimco Sprayers.
I have used mine thre to four times a year now for the last 2-3 years, No problems (KNOCK KNOCK) 
PS The lifting ability came/comes in handy for the amount of spray you want to cover the ground and its concentration. Also if the wind picks up you can lower it and make more passes.
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Sprayer for ATV
I got a 25 gal sprayer this spring for my ATV (Yamaha 450 Kodiak) the unit is a Fimco 25 Gal boomless unit. The thing I have found with these soprayers is to have a big enough pump. The unit I got has a 3.8 GPM pump. Don't get the units with the smaller pumps, I don't think you will be happy with them. The sprayer also has a handgun for spot spraying. The boomless unit has 3 nozzles which can be angled to your spraying needs. You can also turn off any of the 3 nozzles for a custom spray pattern. You can easily adjust spray pressure of the boomless unit for calibration of spray. As I remember I got this unit on sale for around $309.00. I have attached a link to it.
Good luck
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Sprayer for ATV
This past Saturday I was in a tractor supply store and a man was asking about sprayer options for in trees planted in rows. Sadly the employee (clerk) for that area had no idea there was such a thing as boomless.
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Sprayer for ATV
It really makes a difference having good people, we have 2 TSC stores in town, the North store is fantastic but you would almost have to pay me to go to our South store. At least they are aware of it and working to get it straightened out.
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Sprayer for ATV
If you just use the center nozzle, what is the narrowest width you can spray with your boomless sprayer? The sprayer you have is the one I have been looking at but in some cases I only want to spray about a 8' width.
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Sprayer for ATV
I have not measured it but I would guess the center nozzle sprays between 4 and 6 feet wide. You could vary that a little by lowering the pressure.
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