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3 wheelers rule
Back when I was young and invulnerable, I rode dirt bikes. A lot. Every day, if it wasn't snowing, and sometimes when it was. I rode sometimes with friends of mine, that preferred 3-wheelers (trikes, we call them.) We didn't stick to the front yard, or the driveway, or the paved roads. No, we liked to get the furthest away from others as we could, and the rougher the country, the better. And even though I am very uncomfortable on trikes, my friends were good on them. They could go places I couldn't, could carry food and gear if they wanted, and could almost keep up in the fast stretches. It would be unsafe for me to ride the way they did, but they did it for years, and never got hurt. In fact, one of the faster ones never wrecked his trike (350X) in all those years! He still gets riled up if you mention that 3-wheelers are not safe. Of course, I refuse to go near his truck when his trike is in the back, I'm afraid it might roll out of there and kill me. At least that is what I tell him.
By the way, the side hill stability issue is a little silly. Put a motorcycle on the side of hill and let go of it, it falls right over. Level ground, too. Riding is a dynamic process.
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3 wheelers rule
The argument on 3-wheelers vs. 4-wheelers can be summed up in one of my favorite observations (I forget who it's credited to): "Just as soon as you think you've developed an idiot-proof device, they'll invent a better idiot."
I don't believe for a second that three-wheelers are inherently unsafe. A sufficiently talented idiot could kill him- (or her-) self while driving a tank.
It's my personal opinion that the Saftey Nazis are not doing the gene pool any favors by protecting idiots from themselves with all their legislation.
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3 wheelers rule
Well...Mark....maybe it was the subtle way you infered that "3 wheelers sent there riders to the hospital". Most logical/rational people realize that that just doesn't happen. (this is probably where I got the loony lefty idea) The only analogy I can relate this too is the same illogical argument that anti-gun loonies use to describe guns killing people.
This type of argument has been espoused over and over again by the safety Nazis, as described by Paul, until people don't even think twice about it when they see it. It has become ingrained in our day to day life. People need to take a stand when they see this lunacy or, as I said in my previous post, we will lose everything we cherish. Even if its just a 3/4 wheeler.
You need to read your own post Mark. If you can't see what I describe in it (savior of mankind-wear a helmet so you don't get hurt-I can't believe you still own one of those old things, especially after the government decided they were not safe) then you are the problem.
Paul hit it right on the head with his comment about the gene pool. We just don't need more people telling us how to live our lives.
By the way Mark, I don't wear hats.
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3 wheelers rule
Given the fact that 3 wheelers and 4 wheelers can be safe if used by properly trained personal in a proper manner.
I beg to wonder if 1/100 the auto fatality per year is reasonable? Do people in this country travel 1 hundrenth the distance on these ATV's in a year? Not nearly.
I am not highly concerned that there are 350 fatalities per year purging the gene pool. It costs relatively little to plant the remains. I am more concerned with the higher number that are injured for life that I am forced to pay for through my insurance and taxes. This is despite the fact that I did not buy, encourage or participate in the riding of these machines in any way.
Despite this I have 4 ATV's, 3 have 4 legs and are commonly called horses, the other is green and doubles to clean up after the 4 legged ones. I am not sure that the 4 legged ones are any safer to the unskilled than the 4 wheeled variety. Again training and skill are required to operate safely.
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3 wheelers rule
Yup, I think it is wise to wear a helmet when riding any atv or bicycle. I will not remove the ROPS from my Deere and after all these years of shooting I even wear ear muffs when I drive my tractor or start a lawn mower. I have lost enough hearing. If I have gone over the edge (to the dark side), please tell me where to turn in my NRA card, my Rush Limbaugh T shirt and my picture of Ronald Reagan.
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3 wheelers rule
I’m happy enough to hear support for 3-wheelers even if it doesn't quite match the ideas around here. The last 3-wheeler disappeared about 3 years ago. Could be that what people really want is 4wd, and I don't know if 4wd vs. 2wd drive could be made into a serious safety issue or not. I'll think about it.
Back in my beginning days of dirt biking in Colorado (I moved to Michigan and didn't get too far past beginning) I took a spill and still can see the scar if I look closely. At moderate speed, I came over a rise in a jeep trail. There was a wash just over the top that jeeps had seriously rutted. The front wheel went into a rut, which pulled the rear wheel into the rut as well. The bike went along banging from side to side in the rut until the trail took a slight bend. The bike popped out of the rut and pitched me over the handlebars. The scar came from my sliding along the rocks on my elbows--wouldn't have happened in leather.
Anyway, that's how I think of one-wheel steering. Don't know if my slide along the trail would have happened with 3 wheels or with 4 wheels, but 4 seems like a better idea. We might even get a 4-wheeler, but the idea of a two-person mule type seems better. The main use would be to get our canoe into some remote areas. Canoes go on racks on top of 4-wheelers around here. With the weight of our pig of a white-water canoe overhead, I think a four-wheel platform would be preferable.
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3 wheelers rule
I have a 1982 Honda Big Red. This thing just won't die. I use it to get from my pick-up truck to my hunting and fishing camp (about 300 yards). It's not that you couldn't get there on foot - you wouldn't want to. The trail is muddy and often flooded and would be very difficult to navigate with 80Lbs of gear on your back. Mind you, if you did decide to walk it, you would probably arrive before me on my ATC. I keep it in LOW 1, and let the machine work. There is something very satisfying about creeping along on a vehicle in a trail that would otherwise swallow you up, knowing (feeling anyway) that you are unstoppable.
I also use it to get to my moose hunting stand. Again, nice and slow - I have my rifle in a rack-mounted gun case - don't want to mess up my sights.
Yes, I've had it on two wheels before (pick any two), but it was my fault and I wasn't going fast enough to go any further than that. An understanding of the geometry of the machine and how it will react under certain conditions is an imperative piece of knowledge that is either known ahead of time or is learned very quickly - this applies to most any vehicle.
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3 wheelers rule
never owned a 3 wheeler, but we have (4) 4 wheel ATV's which we use on the property now, my kids ride theirs for enjoyment, and i use one of them to pull my trailer around property (keeps hrs off tractor) and my wife and i use other one to just mainly cruise around (keeps wear and tear off of truck)...my main problem i noticed when i was younger and riding friends 3 wheelers was the fact that many times i saw peoples feet come off the foot pegs and get ran over by the rear wheels..not being careless or anything, just that feet do happen to come off when u hit bumps and feet are very close to rear wheels on 3 wheelers..dont seem to have this problem with the 4 wheelers...
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3 wheelers rule
It's true that 3 wheelers are more dangerous than 4 wheelers, but 4 wheelers are dangerous too. That's why I'm getting a 5 wheeler.
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3 wheelers rule
OK,whats a 5 wheeler?
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