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3 wheelers rule
it was a joke
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3 wheelers rule
I thought you were talking about JD's old 5 wheeled Gator
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3 wheelers rule
As long as you don't expect me to pay your medical bills or support your family when you are incapacitated, I don't care what you ride, wear, drive, sleep with or do for a living. That is (or was) America in a nut shell. I have noticed that "foot in the tire" syndrome on the three wheelers, but I am not experienced with them so it was probably my own fault, much better on two wheels.
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3 wheelers rule
The way I heard that explained was that people with motorcycle experience that may be used to putting a leg down in corners, would run over themself with a 3-wheeler (I've seen it happen). Somebody that hadn't ridden a motorcycle at all didn't have the propensity to put a leg down, so they were OK. My friends that rode the trikes a lot had never ridden motorcycles, they never got hurt. I used to kid them, though: "Three wheelers: one more than you want, one less than you need."
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3 wheelers rule
Mark, I knew you were one of the "Good Guys". .
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3 wheelers rule
What we need is a good 3 wheeler with training wheels in the front.
A 5 wheeler!
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3 wheelers rule
I think some poeple would have the only safe, 100% government approved ATV be an engine-less, wheel-less device called a chair!!! Take responsibility for, and accept the consequences of, your own actions.
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3 wheelers rule
I have had three wheelers and the first time i rode a four wheel drive four wheeler i bought it. i sold the three and never looked back.
But i have seen two wheel drive four wheelers go anywhere a four wheel drive will go with the right tires.and rider of course.
yeah those three wheeler would go but on my four wd with 26" super swampers i don't have to get off and lift the rear end to get off stuff!
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3 wheelers rule
we, just this passed weekend had two girls dump their three wheeler turning into my drive, no serious injuries just some painful road rash. they were following my daughter who was riding her 4-wheeler back to my house. 3-wheelers plow forward when turning and that centered front wheel is a perfect pivet point to roll it over when that front wheel does bite in a turn. AGAIN WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF A 3-WHEELER OVER A 4-WHEELER???
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3 wheelers rule
Well, let's see now......
Hockeyhead said "...two girls dump their three wheeler...".
Let's start with the fact that there was never a 3 wheeler, or until last year, even a four wheeler which was designed for two person riding.
Next there's the allusion to "...turning into my drive...", I can't think of a good reason for operating a OFF-ROAD vehicle on a street. Maybe since it rolled it was being operated a little too fast also ? The "road rash" comment leads me to think there was a little too much forward momentum.
The advantages are many, starting with the fact that at the time these things were built they were designed to be as absolutely light as possible to reduce environmental damage and allow them to gain access to places where nothing else could go. They did it very well.
If you go to some of these places today, and I know because I do on a regular basis, people who depend on ATV's for 'regular' transportation will tell you that no 4 wheeler is as good at crossing tough terrain, as gentle on the terrain, or as nimble as a 3 wheeler. Then there's the issue of fuel economy and the range a machine can cover on a tank of fuel.
Of course these people will also tell you that "those stupid drunk fools down south screwed it up for everyone by killing and maiming themselves doing things they should have known better than to do in the first place".
Like so many other things in life, the biggest problem is the LOOSE NUT at the controls.
Best of luck.
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