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AWD Sedan Recommendations
The last year the Matrix had AWD was 2006, I guess most people in the AWD market want something the size of a Rav4 or a Honda CRV.
But if you are looking for used you may be in luck.
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
Have another look at Subaru, because almost their entire line is 4WD, and it includes sedans like the Legacy. They're relatively inexpensive, well made, and supported by a large dealer network.
You could order one with two sets of tires on rims: summer and winter. Modern summer rubber has no cold traction; winter rubber wears out in the summer, and all-seasons are just a compromise.
At an auto-supply store look for corner markers or whatever they're called: about foot-long rods that clamp vertically on a corner and serve as a placement cue.
In a few other makes there are several sophisticated new drive systems that send power increasingly to whatever wheel slips, but they are more costly. Some have a Low range on the auto trans, but mine has this and I never need it.
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
Currently at the top of our list is a Volvo S40 AWD, Subaru Impreza, VW Passat 4Motion, Lexus IS250 or Audi A4 Quattro. The Impreza could be bought new and the others would need to be used. The plan is to sell the almost paid-for Highlander and buy the next one with the sale proceeds and no loan.
The Impreza looks good but it seems underpowered in standard form (and the WRX model is ridiculously high priced for what it is).
German cars always seem fun to drive but the Volvo is looking real.
GM and Ford have lost me as a customer for life (a ding against the Volvo since they're owned by Ford).
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
In terms of asking you a decade from now about how well the car served you, the likely order would be the Lexus, the Subaru, and then the other three way down the list.
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
In terms of asking you a decade from now about how well the car served you, the likely order would be the Lexus, the Subaru, and then the other three way down the list.
You're probably right there. My guess is that in terms of driving enjoyment it would be the Audi, VW, Lexus, Volvo and then Subaru. In terms of driving enjoyment the two VWs I've owned have been far more enjoyable than the Fords (2), GMs (3), and Toyotas (3).
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
my wife's last two cars have been Subaru legacys the first was a 2004 and a 07 now. They aren't fancy, as she doesn't like leather seats but have good looks. the 04 was a good car with no troubles for 35,000 miles but a dog! The 07 has about 15 more horse and five more miles per gallon on the fuel and enough power over the old one to make it a nice car to drive although still not over powered.
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
A lot of fancy cars have been mentioned. I'll suggest you look at a Honda Element AWD. I have had many vehicles in my 60+ years and the ugly little element is a winner.
My wife drives a Honda CRV and loves it. I still have my 76 Dodge pickup...Good Luck.
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
I didn't know the Element was AWD. Thanks for the pointer, but I showed it to my wife and she is wanting something a little sportier. The mileage on those Elements seems less than one might expect for such a small vehicle. What kind of mileage are you getting?
Right now we're leaning toward the Subaru Impreza 5-door (it's a wagon but doesn't look like one). Haven't driven it yet and it looks like rear visibility may not be the best. The 4-door will probably have better visibility if that's a problem. The Highlander is supposed to get out of the body shop this week and then we'll give it a good wash and put it up for sale.
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
.... The Highlander is supposed to get out of the body shop this week and then we'll give it a good wash and put it up for sale.
I have driven the Highlander and it is a very nice vehicle, I am very skeptical as to whether a change of vehicles will make much if any difference in your spouses driving record Odds are in your favor that nothing will happen even you keep the car now 
At one time my wife had 3 deer accidents in less than 18 months, wheras I have driven probably 10 times the miles she has and have never hit a deer. You win some you lose some.
You might be even more unhappy having sold the Highlander only to end up with the same result, if you really have not solved the root cause.
Ah but its only a car they come and go quite easy 
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
You may be right, Dennis. She's back to driving the old 94 Taurus SHO now and she likes driving it much better than the Highlander. She drove the Taurus daily for 12 years without an accident and if it wasn't so long in the tooth she'd be happy to keep it as her primary transportation.
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