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AWD Sedan Recommendations
I don't know your taste in cars but I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread: the Dodge Charger has an AWD option. I have a RWD R/T (Hemi) and like it a lot. The MDS system on the Hemi allows me to get 22-23 mpg on my daily drive. And it has plenty of power.
It was a natural for me because I'm a Dodge guy.
Good luck,
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
Bill, I didn't know the Charger had an AWD option, thanks. The Edmunds search didn't turn that up as an option.
How is the visibility out of one of those?
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
The only visibility issue I notice is upward...I've seen reviews that compare it to looking out of a slit. Sometimes you have to crane your neck to see stoplights. Not an issue in my everyday driving.
It is bigger than my wife's Grand Prix, but since I moved out of a Dodge Ram to this car I don't have any problems with it being too big.
This car shares some DNA with Mercedes, courtesy of the Daimler/Chrysler merger. To get a comparable car in room/power you'd have to spend a few thousand more. A nice Hemi stickers in the mid-30k range; when I got mine they could be bought for high 20's to low 30's, depending on options.
They are automatic only, but have the Autostick, which optionally lets you shift it yourself within certain limits (for instance it will shift for you when you approach redline; it will downshift for you when coming to a stop). Similar to Audi's Tiptronic, I suppose.
Pics in my profile.
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
Bill, that looks like it would be a really nice choice. Your car looks great. I'll be sure to take my wife by to check it out.
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
I'd be interested what you find out if you get as far as pricing one. Not to be nosy. When I bought mine, Dodge was using a program that has since been discontinued. It set a quota for the dealership; if they met the quota, salesman were paid a bonus on each car they sold. The bonus was pretty good; so much so that they would sell the cars at invoice price. So the salemen would make little or nothing on the actual sale (many sales people are paid by percentage of gross profit); but they would make out well if they sold a lot of cars and the dealership made quota.
Anyway at the time I bought my car for invoice minus the $3000 rebate.
I see on the Dodge website that the SXT model (250 hp V6) AWD is considerably less expensive than the Hemi RT.
Good luck,
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AWD Sedan Recommendations
So after my comment earlier about the Benz ML series, I called my friend, and Kubota dealer, who also happens to be a car dealer (he gets a lot of my money) and he was commenting on a unit in the upcoming dealer auction (this was last week).
I figured by now he owed me a coffee, maybe lunch. So, he &I spent a lovely afternoon (and some money) at the auction, and I came away with yet another ML. A 2002 ML 500 with about 80k miles on it. I figure I paid about 15% of what it went for new.
So I have a new runabout that is a little easier to park than the dually, and also fits in the garage, as opposed to hiking out to the shop to put the dually away every time I want to go somewhere.
Best of luck.
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