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 12-27-2004, 07:30 Post: 103018

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 New return policys

We've allways tried to purchase as much of our needs for the furniture shop locally, but sometimes they just don't have everything we need so off to Mennards for the rest. Usually we get our cabinet hinges, knobs and door pulls there because of their large selection, so for the last few years if you need 10 door pulls you always get at least 12 or 13 because some of them allways have the screws missing, are broken in the package or something making them usless, then return what you have left over. Never buy just enough because I've had it happen more than once that when you go back to get a couple to make up for the ones that aren't any good they will be out of stock. So now to my question. Am I going to be black listed as a chronic return problem in their system and refused to be able to do as we have in the past? Frank.

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 12-27-2004, 10:41 Post: 103028

Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Shepherdstown, WV
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 New return policys

I think you only get on the "black list" if you are constantly trying to return items without a receipt. I think Wal-Mart the magic number is 3 or 6 times with no receipt and then all that is required is a CSM approval for the return. As long as you have the receipt you shouldn't have a problem.

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