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 06-16-2002, 08:05 Post: 39584
Glenn Fitzgerald

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 Hemlock wood

I'm having a cabin built in the southern tier of NYS this August by the Amish from hemlock(board & batten).The wood will be installed green for the most part.The winters are pretty harsh with a lot of moisture and cold tempetures. The area is in a "snow belt". I want to maintain a darker finish on the wood- almost orange in color and want to keep the common splash marks off the lower boards. The cabin will be off the ground(footer & block crawlspace)surrounded by some stone.
Should the wood be treated before the winter? I'm getting conflicting views.
If so,with what material?
If the boards are going to shrink,why do they install the windows and doors right away?

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 06-16-2002, 22:49 Post: 39599

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 Hemlock wood

I would recommend a semi-transparent stain of the color you want, and stain the wood right away. It will still lose moisture through the stain, so there is no benefit to waiting. Also, the stain should have anti-mold chemicals in it, that will keep the wood from turning black with mold (mildew).

I am not sure what the lower board streaks are that you mention, but can only think you are talking about dirt splashing up when it rains. This is taken care of with gutters, or ground treatments that include grass, or something other than bare dirt.

If the boards are nailed properly, then they should stay tight aroung the doors and windows after they shrink. If not, they will shrink away and form a crack that may have to be caulked. However, there should be a water barrier (like Tyvek) under the boards, so water cannot get into the wall of the house. Boards of Board/Batten siding should normally be nailed in the center of the board, so the shrinkage occurs under the battens. Sometimes, the boards are nailed so the battens hide the nails, which looks great until the wood shrinks, causing splits in the centers of the boards. Hopefully yours is nailed correctly.

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 06-17-2002, 18:53 Post: 39631

Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Upstate NY, USA
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster
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 Hemlock wood

2 additions to Kay's recommendation - 1) seal all 6 edges before installation. If you seal the siding agfter it is up the side towards the house is going to dry faster than the outside surface and wide boards will cup and curl. 2) use screws not nails.

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