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Dual Exhaust Cat Back
Ok, Lets see what this opens up, Just took delivery of 2006 GMC Pick-up 5.3 liter eng,Auto, 3:42 gears, 17' tires
What everybodys opinion about adding duel Exhaust, (Cat-Back)
Will it hurt gas mileage or help?
Thanks in advance
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Dual Exhaust Cat Back
Free flowing exhaust has been proven to help you fuel economy.
The problem lies with the cool sound when you really git on 'r. That's what will hurt the fuel economy.
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Dual Exhaust Cat Back
Oh you mean "dual" exhaust as in "two" (I couldn't picture exhausts dueling it out)
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Dual Exhaust Cat Back
I haven't kept up on things well enough to know what "cat back" means in dual exhaust terms, help me out. Frank.
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Dual Exhaust Cat Back
Cat back means everything from the cataletic converter to the tail pipe.
In most areas you cannot modify the exhaust system between the engine and cataletic converter. There are some approved components, but, usually the OEM cat must remain as installed by the factory.
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Dual Exhaust Cat Back
"The problem lies with the cool sound when you really git on 'r."
You should hear what it does to a big block (diesel) with 18:1 compression .......
"In most areas you cannot modify the exhaust system between the engine and cataletic converter."
Another good reason to have a diesel rumbling away under the hood. .
Best of luck.
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Dual Exhaust Cat Back
4" pipe coming off the turbo, right out the back, no cat, muffler, resonator, nuthin'. BHAF, silencer ring -ectomy, custom plate, ... 359 cubic inch, P7100 motivated six-in-a-row.
I do love the sound of a diesel in the morning.
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Dual Exhaust Cat Back
I gave in my meeesus' suggestion that I tone my monster down a little, especially since I'm known to leave the house for the airport or snow playing (err, I mean plowing) at a very early hour.
I had a 4" stainless open pipe from the turbo back, ending in a 6" dump behind the passenger side back wheel, great for teaching kids in Honda's the meaning of respect, and "decibel" too, .
So I added a 4" stainless resonator about 4' from the dump point. Now it performs every bit as good as it did, but it sounds a whole bunch quieter below 2,500 RPM.
Above that point it's still 'disconcerting' to those I pass by...... ;-}
Best of luck.
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Dual Exhaust Cat Back
I really wanna go full redneck with a pair of BullHaulers, but, the wife say absolutely no and I'd have to loose the topper.
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Dual Exhaust Cat Back
I tried to sell my wife on a new exhaust for my truck. But I went for the better mileage route. It didn't pay for the exhaust over the time period alloted. Dang!!
Maybe she'll let me put a supercharger on her SUV...
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