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Electric Brake Controler
I've always thought that trailer brakes as we have them today were meant to test ones patience. It never seems to matter whether the truck or trailer was new or old there always is another problem every time you hook up. Take heart sooner or later someone will come up with a new system that eliminates the wiring, the controler, fuses and all that will work all the time. I'm waiting for that too, it may save my religon. Frank.
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Electric Brake Controler
If you have a decent digital multi-meter there is an easy way to diagnose it.
Measure the brake circuit resistance in the trailer itself by putting the meter across the ground pin, and the brake wire pin. Make a note of the resitance value on the lowest scale it will read it on.
Next plug the trailer in to the truck, but unplug the lead from the brake controller under the dash and measure from ground to the brake power lead. This reading should be *VERY* close to the reading you are getting on the trailer alone.
It is also a good idea to use the truck manuf.'s wiring pigtail they (should have) given you when you bought the truck.
Best of luck.
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Electric Brake Controler
Well at least I can bend over and slide the manual overide to get them to actuate. Just have to juggle the cup of coffee, cell phone, message pad, and oh ya, driving at the same time.
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Electric Brake Controler
Not saying a 2004 model is old. But that is long enough for corrosion to show up in an open connection. Open connections do happen at factories also. Just replaced the total wiring on a trailer (factory built) due to that and it is not 2 years old. The push in connections on the lights had corroded enough to act as insulation. The light would work and then not work. Based upon the fact your trailer is new, I would look there first.
Another way to test if you have the option is another trailer that you know is working to your pickup and another pickup to your trailer.
Happy hunting.
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