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Double dumb Colorado door lock stunt
If your brother bought a truck with MANUAL LOCKS and no Power locks, it is very possible not to have a cylinder on the pasenger door.
If he has Power locks, then he can push the unlock button on the ddrivers door and it will unlock the passenger as well.
If he does NOT have Power Locks, then he may check with a Local Car Starter Retailer and see if that can be added with a Starter, inexpensively.
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Double dumb Colorado door lock stunt
r bought a truck with MANUAL LOCKS and no Power locks, it is very possible not to have a cylinder on the passenger door.
2*If he has Power locks, then he can push the unlock button on the drivers door and it will unlock the passenger door as well.
3*If he does NOT have Power Locks, then he may check with a Local Car Starter Retailer and see if that can be added with a Starter, inexpensively.
******* wingwiper 2006-10-23 Post: 136222 *********
1* It's possible but it's not supposed to happen.
According to 2 salesmen we talked with when my wife and I went shopping for a new Colorado,
All passenger side doors on this truck are un lockable from outside of the truck. It don't matter if it's equipped with power locks, keyless entry or manual locks. There is not supposed to be any such thing as a passenger side door that can't be un locked from outside the Vehicle. Considering this my brother paid for an un lockable P S D but he didn't get what he paid for.
2*Even if he could do this it wouldn't help him much as he would still have to make extra unnecessary trips around the truck.
3*He should not have to pay anybody for what should have been on the truck when he bought it!
According to the 2 Salesmen we talked to he was supposed to get a door on the Passenger Side that can be unlocked from outside. He didn't get it so he got taken on that.
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Double dumb Colorado door lock stunt
Who said it was SUPPOSE to come with a Passenger side Lock?
They don't make them that way anymore. If you have Keyless entry, then all he has to do is push the UNLOCK button twice and the passenger door WILL BE unlocked from the outside.
If he has Power Locks, he can unlock ALL doors from the driver's side with a push of a button.
If You do NOT have Keyless Entry, he did NOT pay for a outside access to a door lock, because that is NOT how they are made and it is NOT an option.
You may have an Issue due to Handicap, but he will need to write to the BIG BOYS at GM HQ.
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Double dumb Colorado door lock stunt
Caveat emptor
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Double dumb Colorado door lock stunt
There is much here that makes me say humm.
If right door lock is so important how come he missed it? Did he test drive the pickup? Did it not come up in the sales process? Have you followed up as the other dealership said and was told here to see if it was suppose to have remote?
My present pickup (Toyota) I made comment on type of door locks it had. A month or more after buying and realizing they did not work like I thought it hit me the salesman told me he did not know to my question. It was my miss, he was honest.
There is a possibility there could be a law somewhere pretaining to the disabled, that requires different notice or features the salesperson or dealership or even GM missed. I know a man who walked away from a lease with no problem due to something very similiar.
Is it not possible to place the tank(s) behind the driver's seat? And as to tanks, does he have to have more than one in the cabin? Why could the additional not be secured in tank rake in the bed? Sure seems in case of accident that might be safer.
I am one of the MEN who do not like the remotes. How much junk can you place in your pockets. Please, no fanny pack. My wife's key ring has two remotes and fat head keys making it so big there is no way it would fit any pocket other than Captain Kangaroo's. My daughter's Honda's remote is the fat head key.
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Double dumb Colorado door lock stunt
1*Who said it was supposed to come with a Passenger side Lock?
2*They don't make them that way anymore.
3*If You do NOT have Keyless Entry, he did NOT pay for an outside access to a door lock, because that is NOT how they are made and it is NOT an option.
>>> >>>wingwiper
Post: 136230
>>>> >>>>
1*See below
2* This applies to Trucks having remote keyless entry only ~~ See below.
3*Not so according the 2 salesman ~ See Below.
My wife and I went shopping for a new Colorado:
We very intensively grilled the 2 Salesmen we talked to about the Passenger Side door lock.
Here is how they explained it to us ---> There are 2 door handles for the passengers side door of the Colorado.
One is blank with no key slot in It for trucks having the keyless remote entry system.
The other door handle has a key lock with a key slot in it for trucks with manual locks.
From this it's obvious they slipped up on the assembly line and installed the wrong door handle in my brothers truck.
They owe him a free exchange of door handles.
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Double dumb Colorado door lock stunt
If your brother ORDERED this truck, he should have a copy of all of the CODES that were ordered for the truck options. If that Lock Option is not on the Sales Agreement and his signature is, they owe him NOTHING.
Your brother may have a case with GM HQ as I said before and as KT pointed out and ANN very politely tried to imply.
I have a STUPID question for your brother, he said "This was my normal routine (my old truck S10)--I would take the tanks out to my truck, unlock the passenger side door, lay the tanks on the floor, close the door, go around to the driver side door, unlock it, get in, and drive away."
WHY DOESN'T HE LAY THE TANKS ON THE FLOOR IN THE BACK, ON THE DRIVER'S SIDE? That way he can unlock from the driver's side and won't have so far to go to get in and drive away.
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Double dumb Colorado door lock stunt
1. If right door lock is so important how come he missed it?
2* Did it not come up in the sales process?
3*Have checked to see if it was supposed to have remote locks?
4*Is it not possible to place the tank(s) behind the driver's seat?
5* as to tanks, does he have to have more than one in the cabin?
6*Why could the tanks not be secured in tank rake in the bed?
7* fat head keys.
>>> >>> >>>> >>>>
1*After over 40 years of buying cars that always had unlockable doors why would the thought to question it ever cross his mind?
2*Aparently not.
3*No but your question sparked a thought that never occurred to me before. I've been looking at it as they put the wrong door handle on it on the assembly line. perhaps in reality it has the correct door handle but they put the wrong lock system on it on the assembly line instead.
Any way you look at it according to the dealer I shopped at there was a screw up during the production of his truck.
4* Wouldn't work because he has to have easy quick access to the next tank when he runs out oxygen in the tank he's using. Same problem with having the tanks in the bed.
5* yes due to the need for quick easy access to spare tanks.
6*Also this would expose the tanks to tampering theft or vandalism.
He don't have to go to this expense and inconvenience when he uses his car so why should he have to put up with it with the truck? Especially if there was a production mistake on his truck!
7*Hate fat headed keys too.
The CC garden tractor I just purchased has them also. I may take a jig saw and trim it down and grind or wire brush off the plastic coating or see if I can get extra keys made with sensible heads on them.
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Double dumb Colorado door lock stunt
Ibrown - are the handles color coded to the vehicle or just black? If they are just black the dealer should be able to switch out the handle for the one with the lock without too much trouble. I am sure the autoworker just grabbed the handle from the wrong bin. I am sure we can all relate stories that are worse that this with auto parts mix ups on NA auto and some Japanese.
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Double dumb Colorado door lock stunt
Ibrown - are the handles color coded to the vehicle or just black? If they are just black the dealer should be able to switch out the handle for the one with the lock without too much trouble. I am sure the autoworker just grabbed the handle from the wrong bin.
>>> >>> Just black
Switching handles seems like an easy reasonable fix to me.
What I don't understand is his dealer making such a mountain out of a mole hill over doing that..
>>>> >>>>
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