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2000 X-cab 4wd
I'm looking at buying a 2000 x-cab 4wd. I hear the 4.8L V8 has good power, this inparticular one has a towing pkg. My question is, does anyone have this type truck, if so how does it do towing?
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2000 X-cab 4wd
I have the 4.8 ltr, and I would opt for at least the 5.3 or 6.0 for much towing. The little motor will do it but it seem a little sluggish. look into a diesel for max towing power!
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2000 X-cab 4wd
I have a 99 silverado/4.8lt. the gas milage is its best feature compared to the larger gas engine. It has more than enough power for generally everything you would do daily. I just hauled an 8n on a car hauler 320 miles 2 weeks ago. Although like Plots said it is a bit sluggesh, it was not a hazzard, in fact I was really a bit more impressed with how much power it did have because I was expecting it to be even worse than what I had. I have the tow pack/gear also and it works just as it was supposed to. I normally get around 18 on the highway give or take 1 mile/gallon. I got 15.2 pulling the 4600 pounds.
Like he said though if money is not a factor and you are planning to pull often, I also would look into a diesel, but if your looking for the ocasional tow truck and a familly vehical, I like the 4.8. Its easy on the weekly expenses. I have had 3 things go wrong with the truck in 110k miles but of those 3 things 2 of them happened twice and 1 happened 3 times. I would say chevy needs to change these 3 parts.
Good luck
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2000 X-cab 4wd
I ended up going with the Duramax and can say that the diesel out does it in every thing towing or empty. milage is far better and there is never a power problem. I towed my 35 foot trailer over 600 miles ( 9000 lbs)and got 17.5 mpg's that better than I got with old truck empty. Just love it!
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2000 X-cab 4wd
yes that truck does have the power! My buddy has one and it impressed the heck out of me. When I was looking for trucks the 23,098 price tag was right in the budget for me. If I had the extra 10k I would of definatly bought the diesel. Suppose it would all equal out in the end if you get an extra 100k miles on onejust the initial sticker shock (and the cost of a divorce if I would of came home with a 34k truck) . Good luck with your truck plots1
hope it trats you well ans stay the heck out of the way of those walking lawn ornaments with shiny eyes at night!!!
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2000 X-cab 4wd
I have a 2003 4.8 4x4 entended cab that is used to pull a 16 Ft trailer with tractor and brushhog around the hills of WV. It does a good job. I only need to pull the trailer 6-8 times a year so I could not justify the extra cash for the duramax. I agree that if money is no object, go for the diesel motor and allison trans. A buddy of mine found a used 2000 6.0 gas extended cab 4x4 for a very nice price last year and he gets 15-16 MPG with it.
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