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2500HD w Meyers plow
I just purchased a Silverado 2500HD with a Meyers C-8 snow plow and MDII quick connect frame. The frame seems to be dangerously close to the ground (2-3 inches). Does anyone know if this is OK? I'm thinking of changing out the 16" wheels/tires to the 17" ones that come on the Z71 model (which I traded in - loved those big tires!)to try to gain a little ground clearance. Thoughts?
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2500HD w Meyers plow
I'd be taking right back (carefully) to the people that installed it, you shaould NEVER have less than about 6" of clearance under the plow mount.
Best of luck.
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2500HD w Meyers plow
Here in Michigan we stay away from anything with torsion bars (which yours is I assume?)
You didn't say if the plow was mounted when it is low, is it?
I run BOSS plows and their installationj manual gives a specific height to the mounting bar (I have to think every mfg. has a different spec. for how low the push beam/bar should be---6" isn't that much either loaded or not!
The other thing that will chnage the "lowness" is rear end height--you may need ballast weight back there to level out the truck and get weight over the rear wheels otherwise under power you are going to do some major fishtailing without it.
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2500HD w Meyers plow
You might ask about the computer chip on the ABS if you go to 17" wheels? Not sure if it needs to be or can be changed?
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