New Laptop
If your neighbor has a wireless router you might be close enough to use his 
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New Laptop
Cutter as yoiu put that on there I guess you have seen where people of been arrested for that, I think the one I saw was where a guy had a laptop in his car and was using the residents wireless router. Ouch! hey just trying to send and email to my boss right?
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New Laptop
The use of any available signal is pervasive among the younger people. Especially folks in the city or an apartment building where wireless signals are everywhere.
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New Laptop
Tongue-in-cheek Dennis . I love mine and I did password protect it so hopefully the only ones that will be on it other than me will be by permission.
The beauty of this is that now I can use my laptop on the picnic table out back in the summer. Really adds new definition to a home office.
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New Laptop
Hi Hardwood,
Looking at your original post, you will do fine with any modern laptop for general web surfing and email. Disk sizes only become important for things like image storage. A modern laptop with anything from 30Gb upwards would be fine.
Both of my computers are more than six years old but as I don't play games age is not really an issue. Operating systems become a bit more important though, probably best now to use Microsoft XP for the time being as Vista is rather new.
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New Laptop
Agric; Thanks for the info. Since No.3 son makes his living building and installing computers I've turned the task over to him. Today or tomorrow a wireless company is to show up at the house to check for a line of sight test for their service, if it passes then we're signed up if not they go home and forget about it. They offer a three year contract at 50.00 per month including taxes, etc. and no installaton fee for a three year contract. Since the No. 3 son is in the computer building business he said throw the Sunday paper in the trash, he can get them cheaper thru his suppliers, why did'nt he tell me that in the first place? I'll post how things work out. Have a big day. Frank.
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New Laptop
When setting up wireless on my laptop I made the mistake of calling my wireless network by my family name. Then after I got all set up (including encryption - it takes some effort but do it.) I realized that everyone can see my signal and know which house it is coming from. (After I myself went around scouting out signals around me.) They can't tap into it but I still don't like people knowing which signal is mine.
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