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GPS Receiver for Blackjack Smartphone
I am thinking about buying a Holux Bluetooth receiver to use with my Blackjack smartphone. I have been using Google Maps on the smart phone and it is pretty good even without the GPS.
Supposedly Google Maps supports GPS. Has anyone tried this or bought a bluetooth receiver?
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GPS Receiver for Blackjack Smartphone
Dennis, I have several bluetooth GPS receivers, I use them with both a smartphone and a laptop.
While I haven't used the Google map, the mapping software I use works well with it, as does the more over-the-counter MS Maps software.
It's still not as good as the built-in GPS and mapping software in my truck though, although I must say, the bigger screen on the laptop is really nice.
Old age......
Best of luck.
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GPS Receiver for Blackjack Smartphone
I haven't gone ahead with this yet, the new Blackjack 2 and other phones are now having GPS built into them. The new version of Google Maps for Mobile has a myLocation feature that lets you know where you are. Though the carriers are trying to lock the GPS into their own direction services.
Supposedly Google Maps Beta for Mobile can do positioning by either GPS or by approximating your location by the Cell Tower you are using. Very cool but the cell tower thing does not work for my Blackjack 1, and I read that the GPS in BJ 2 does not work with the Beta version of Google Maps.
If the myLocation feature does not work on your phone Google Maps Beta is harder to use since the only way you can locate anything on the map is to use the "Directions" menu item forcing you to put in the same zip code twice for the from and to destinations when you really just want a map of Chicago. This gets worse when you travel as you don''t know zip codes and you have to type Shaboggginviloral illinois twice 
I do believe that the cell phone GPS has to be the best approach when you are traveling, less stuff to carry.
With text to voice capability on a phone with a handsfree would that be good enough without looking at the small screen in the phone?
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GPS Receiver for Blackjack Smartphone
...The new version of Google Maps for Mobile has a myLocation feature that lets you know where you are. Though the carriers are trying to lock the GPS into their own direction services.Supposedly Google Maps Beta for Mobile can do positioning by either GPS or by approximating your location by the Cell Tower you are using....
I searched on this some more and found out that Samsung offered an upgrade to Windows Mobile 6 on my Blackjack 1. I installed it yesterday and now the Google Maps Beta myLocation feature works on my phone. It shows my position as the nearest Cell Tower, not GPS but very helpful. You can then search for a any business you want andget turn by turn directions from the cell tower if you check (Current GPS location). The location feature is not dynamic though so the blue dot does not move as you do, you press the "0" key and it finds where you are again.
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GPS Receiver for Blackjack Smartphone
This morning on Fox's morning news I think is where I saw a chip for phones that for GPS. Nokia I think. There was not much on it. kt
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