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installation of SDRAM
My Dell computer had 1GB (2 x 512 in slots 1 &3) of SDRAM at 533Mhz. This a.m. I installed 2GB (2 x 1GB in slots 2 & 4)which according to Best Buy was supposed to give me 3GB of SDRAM. My computer only shows (recognizes) that it has 2GB installed. The new chips are capable of running at 667, 533 or 400 MHz.
Should I have placed the new chips in slots 1 & 3 instead of 2 & 4? Or, should I not mix them at all? They are Kingston PC2-5300. They were on sale from $109.99 each to $34.99 each which was cheaper than Dell direct and Crucial.
I'm not a computer geek, so I don't know what is going on. Any help would be appreciated.
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installation of SDRAM
You'll have to refer to your computer's manual to know for sure, but I believe you're correct.
There is a certain procedure to follow that allows your computer to recognize the additional memory chips. If you do not follow that procedure, your computer won't recognize the additional memory.
Dennis CTB may be able to help you, but I believe the best and fastest way to do this is to follow the instructions in your computer's manual. If you don't have a manual, you should be able to go to the manufacturer's website and pull up the information you're looking for, under the model number of your computer. Dell is pretty good about providing this information online.
In some cases, it's necessary to change the settings on a few of the DIP switches located next to the memory bank.
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installation of SDRAM
Use the link below. On some computers all the memory has to be the same size. You either have to chuck the 512 or just limit yourself to 4 512k boards.
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installation of SDRAM
I spoke with my Geeksquad gal from Best Buy and found out I can place them in a variety of positions without blowing things up. Turned out that the 1GB memory had to be in sockets 1 & 3 with the 512's in 2 & 4 to recognize the 3GB memory through trial and error.
Am smoking now! Next is loading my new AutoDesk Inventor 2008 software and figure out Parametric Modeling!
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