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Cable DVR versus Directv or Dish DVR
Wondering if cable has caught up to the Directv DVR I have. On mine I can record two shows concurrently while I watch another one that is stored on the DVR. Can Cable do the same thing?
For mine I have two coaxial cables to the DVR location. If cable can do this does it also need two cables to the DVR?
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Cable DVR versus Directv or Dish DVR
Cable isn't available in our area so I couldn't answer that, but I have been looking at picking up a new DISH network receiver that has two tuners. We've had a single tuner DVR for a few years now and can't imagine not having that capability.
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Cable DVR versus Directv or Dish DVR
Way behind here, still have the 10' dish. Cable came through a few years ago so we hooked to the RR internet and use the TV in the bedroom with the basic service.
Anyone what to purchase my eight tracks?
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Cable DVR versus Directv or Dish DVR
A DVR is just a digital video recorder Dennis, there's nothing satellite-exclusive about them. As long as you feed them a compatible signal, they'll record it. What makes the satellite DVR/DirecTiVo different is that the satellite receivers are integrated with the recording capability.
Cable companies offer DVRs too, and they can surely watch/record simultaneously. They're basically a cable box that's integrated with a recording capability. Don't believe analog cable has the capability to feed two channels simultaneously though, but it appears digital cable does. Click the link below.
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Cable DVR versus Directv or Dish DVR
At some point I want to get a wide screen HD TV and after seeing my brothers Bigger ( meaning ugly on my house for the wife) Directv HD dish and all the cables, I started thinking maybe I should consider if Comcast Digital HD DVR service had matching features/capablities to Directv.
The article you pointed to suggests that the integration is not as tight as Directv, but that seemed to be referring to a standalone DVR.
I was at my brother in laws for Easter and he was showing me the on demand feature on his Comcast HD DVR. Seemed like a cool feature, but he quickly got lost on how to move from the on demand content to anything else on the system.
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Cable DVR versus Directv or Dish DVR
I have the medium sized multi-sat dish (triple LNB) and an older dual receiver DirecTiVo (the 40 gig Samsung). Supposedly it's got on-demand capability, I've just never had cause to investigate it. The dish itself is pretty unobtrusive. But perhaps that's because it's overshadowed by the markedly larger internet dish on the same pole.
I've read about the 5 LNB multi-sat HD dishes, never seen one personally. But in photos they didn't look much larger than what I have now. I'm in the boonies, and it's unlikely the area cable company will offer HD anytime in the forseeable future (they're still selling analog!!). So HD plans were simply to upgrade what I have. I'll likely stay with DirecTV, go from the 3 LNB to the 5 LNB dish, and from the DirecTiVo to the HD DVR. Someday.
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Cable DVR versus Directv or Dish DVR
The new slimline 5 lmb dish is about 20% higher and is probably twice the width of the dual lmb dish. Because it is so much bigger and heavier it cannot be mounted from just the mast head plate like the old dish, but needs a tripod mount with braces. Supposedly the installers are instructed not to get involved in removing your old dish either.
One way around the tripod install is a chimney install which might work for me. Unfortunately for me my dish is up on the top of the gable on my 2 story colonial house, which is accessible from the adjoining garage roof (10/12 pitch). I had to give the last installer a pep talk of encouragement before he would try it 
I was hoping that there might be a reduction in the amount of cables coming into the house once SD goes away (maybe sometime after Feb 2009 ?) if you had all HD equipment inside, because it is my understanding that the proliferation of cables is partly due to the SD and HD feeds.
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Cable DVR versus Directv or Dish DVR
I see, matter of perspective I guess. Mine's 21x19, and I was thinking of the 29x25 version of the five LNB dish. Stacked fore and aft, that one would only exceed the size of mine by 4 inches side to side and 3 inches top and bottom. I guess your concern is that the Slimline is 3 inches wider yet.
The reason I used the word "perspective", is that my 39x29 satellite internet dish would still outshadow both, and I'm fixin' to replace it with an even bigger one. I have both the internet dish and DirecTV dish mounted on a 2-3/8" (OD) steel pipe, planted in concrete. Makes for much easier removal of wet snow/ice.
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