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 04-10-2017, 11:27 Post: 196483

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 PS Vue Mobile App vs Youtube TV Phone App

I have been a PS Vue customer since September 2016 mostly using the Fire TV set top box and remote with a wired 50MB internet connection. it works great. I have also used the PS Vue Mobile App on a Samsung Note 3 and Tablet. Before the guide was available it was not that useful. And the PS Vue App is so slow, tapping and tapping and waiting to see if it took is pretty annoying and makes it only useful if you absolutley have no alternativre.

Well I got the Youtube TV app on the same Note 3 and it is a world of differance, it works flawlessly, but I really do miss the full Guide that PS Vue Mobile has. YTube is FAST loads multiple previews like it was no effort at all. I also have Chromecast on my 3 HDTV's. And it cast fine to all Chromecast versions I have. When Chromecast came out I thought it was the BOMB, why would you want anything but Chromecast? With the Phone as the control it takes more then one press to make anything happen, whereas with FireTV it is one press most of the time. In real use unless you are searching for something the phone is more often inconvenient, and for my wife too too confusing.

The bad on YouTube. No NBA, no NFL, no MLB, and many block outs on sports. For wife no HGTV,DIY,AMC Sundance. etc. No set top box only Phone. I am a techie andI love my phone but I really prefer the FireTV remote. I started the cord cutiing 4 years ago with a Laptop hooked to the TV with a wireless keyboard and mouse, by comparison Fire TV iis a dream come true. I love FireTV instead !!

One really annoying thing on Youtube TV is that if they do not have a Commercial on MSBC or CNBC for example they play a really annoying drum music the WILL DRIVE YOU INSANE !!! Thank GOD the Sony PS VUE has the Commerical Break in process and SILENCE Thank you Thank you Sony !!!

If 90+% of your viweing is on a Phone then YTube has gotta be your best option.

For me 98% of my viewing is on a Large Screen TV with Fire TV, and 30 minutes a day before I hit the sack is on a tablet. so I am gonna hang in with the PS Vue.

I also did a trial on DirectvNow, UGH it is piece of garbage no DVR !!! They must be kidding like going back to the 1980's

But Sony should rethink the Mobile app. Risk to Sony is if Google makes a set top app for the FireTV, Roku et al and adds the Guide and missing content and fixes the missing ad annoying drum beat, they are going to be the one to beat ...

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 04-10-2017, 11:29 Post: 196484

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 PS Vue Mobile App vs Youtube TV Phone App

If you watch CNBC and MSBC I was watching on PS Vue and YouTube TV simultaneously. PS Vue on TV and YT on Phone.

1) PS Vue is on about a 30 second delay from real time

2) On CNBC on YouTube TV You get the already mentioned COMMERCIAL BREAK IN PROGRESS screen with the MIND NUMBING BIPOLAR MUSIC. But it is worth noting on PS Vue while you have the 30 sec lag, most of the ads display with the stock ticker still on screen whereas on YouTube you get COMMERCIAL BREAK IN PROGRESS. If you are into CNBC and watching the Market this makes the YT version not viable in my view.

Another note if you want to flip between CBS and MSBC back and forth on PS Vue on Fire TV this is easy on Youtube it is a nightmare. Think flipping between the Giants and the Patriot games during any of the games this fall.

And another comment you cannot tell what content you already watched on Youtube TV. While PS Vue sorta covers watched and unwatched, I have found that PS Vue is very inconsistent on this feature.

One very cool thing that Google has put in that is LACKING in PS Vue is an easy FEEDBACK loop for customers to let Goolgle know what they do not like and like.

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