Flatulent gifts human and dog based
Don't you hate it when you are mindig your own business at work and someone leaves a "present" in the elevator for the next unsuspecting rider?
A real problem. Also trying to lighten up the mood.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
What's worse is when someone leaves the "present" when the elevator is full!!! Our building is non-smoking so all the smokers have to go outside. Then when you get on the elevator it smells as if someone has put a fireplace in the elevator using cigarettes for wood. It is awful.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
I think would take the stairs from now on, it sounds healthier and safer 
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
Are we talking about (in Star Trek terms) a gaseous anomaly?
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
yeah, i guess, its almost like the ole flaming bag of poop on the doorstep...and its always bad when you're in a bar and the person sitting next to you lets one go and blames it on you...that is a definate cause for violence
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
Yes, talking gaseous anomoly. Definitely fun for the whole family!
Too bad the I was the one that left the present. I forgot about it until I hopped the same elevator again a few minutes later.
At least it's not as bad as my dog. He cleared the room once. That was really foul. Never did figure out what he ate that day...
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
For my Chocolate Lab eating deer guts seems to be at the top of good gas ingredients.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
Deputy Dog is a hunter, bred all the way through, loves nothing more, h-u-n-t-e-r, period.
The problem? Anything that moves is fair game, now sometimes that entertaining, like when he chases the missus when she runs for the phone (I wonder who taught him that? ), but it becomes problematic when the only thing moving is house flies.
He will climb up onto the back of the sofa and do his best impression of olympic divers to snatch a fly from mid-air.
Then for some genetically defective reason, he feels merely killing the little buggers is not enough, he has to eat them to make the hunter/prey cycle complete.
Now, when I was a kid our family always had boxers, big ones, 100+ pounders, but let me tell you, they can't hold a candle to the odiferous capabilities of a 25 pound Jack Russell who's been eating house flies.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
As long as we are talking about nasty, and I only bring it up because it looks like we are, is anyone else familiar with "beagle butt". It isn't a flatulation that disperses with time, it's a very foul odor that is trapped in some gland at the business end of the dog. The only way it is taken care of is by the dog dragging said business end along a rough surface. Carpeting is the surface of choice, left un-supervised.
Now that's nasty.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
My cousin is one of those types that enjoys watching others suffer in some way or anouther. He is also the type that no matter when or where will not hold back his gas. His gas resembles the odor of a stink bomb...it makes your eyes water! There have been many occasion's where there would be a full load of guys traveling in his SUV & he'll typically pass gas then hit the window lock button! To his luck we are usually on the highway when it happens.
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