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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
Beagle, that is one of the musk glands, in their wild state dogs used it to mark their territory. If your beagles are doing this on a regular basis it is because of their diet, check with a veterinarian, if they tell you there is nothing that can be done about, find a new veterinarian.
Grass, Deputy Dog does that on a regular basis, usually it is when he is sitting on my wife's lap, then all of a sudden she notices that her leg is VERY warm, and he bails for the back seat, unlike the character 'Fat Bastard' in the Austin Powers movies, he does NOT like his own brand.
It's up to me however to hit the window lock button or not.
Best of luck.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
We've owned, raised, and breed beagles for over 25 years. We are quite aware of what causes this, just didn't want make the assumption everyone did.
We have an excellent Vet.
Their diet is a different issue, depending on who is visiting at the time, and/or what they dug up that day.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
The "Beagle butt" problem you cite is, I think, caused by the dog's anal glands, located on either side of the rectum, becoming full of fluid/material. The dog drags his hind end in order to scratch/relieve the discomfort. The accepted technique for humans to releive the pain is to "express" the glands. Now, that's a really fun job.
Suggest you check with your vet to ensure I'm not confused, and to learn the ins and outs of helping your dog "express himself."
Lucky you.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
Murf - ROTFLMAO!!!
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
We "express" the glands ourselves when needed. If you have ever done it, you know it isn't a task to look forwrd to. I should say my wife "expresses" the glands as necessary, if we can get to it before they take care of business themselves. I don't have the stomach for it. It took me three diapers to change one.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
I can't express how glad I am my dogs don't have that gland problem. Worst stuff is when my male lab broke into my mom's container of dog biscuits after she had filled it full. He and another ate 75% of the bin which was about 5 lbs when full. Cleaning that foul smelling upchuck at 11:30 at night was no picnic.
The lab occasionally pinches a loaf on the linoleum. Pretty much only when he forgets to go because he got distracted by something. Not hard to do as he's fairly um... well... he's not the brightest student on the special bus. Great dog, but dumb as a rock.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
Deputy Dog is a hunter, bred all the way through, loves nothing more, h-u-n-t-e-r, period.The problem? Anything that moves is fair game.....
Murf did you see the Jack Russell on Jay Leno used as a predictor of the Super Bowl winner. Video below
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
A friend emailed it to me.
Apparently he was in stitches watching because of what my Deputy Dog did a few years back. My friend had bought a new place that included a barn that was pretty infested with mice and Norway rats.
I offered to bring my two Jacks over to cure the problem, he was skeptical, until he saw how frantic they got at the mere scent of the place. Just like that one was doing in the ladys arms.
The two of them went nuts darting to & fro often dispatching rodents at a full run without even breaking stride.
He just stood there with his mouth hanging open, speechless at the scene unfolding in front of him.
Unfortunately the little bugger has a problem judging size, he took on a wild hog in Florida last week. 
Best of luck.
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
I have always fed my dogs dry food. Gas can be a sign of digestive issues with the dogs food. My dogs get real loose from Blue Buffalo products for example.
So many dry dog food brands are really only marketing companies they DO NOT MANUFACTURE anything but job it out to anywhere and anyone to make. May not even have trials on digestibility.
I had been feeding Purina Pro Plan Large Breed owned by Nestle, until the vet noticed too much plaque on my one year old dog. I researched corn and found that even in humans it can be a source of plaque build up.
I changed to Purina Pro Plan Grain Free Duck which costs about $2 pound. Along with giving him Nylabone Plaque problem gone.
Decided might be good to rotate him to another product, tried Royal Canin owned by M&M candy. Crazy large kibble, actually smells great might try some. But he gets some serious flatulents from this stuff but has good stools. Royal Canin does have corn though.
So did some further research and found that Merrick started as a highly principled dry food manufacturer. Now owned by Nestle since 2015. Nestle says they are leaving Merrick operations and management in tack. Anyway still migrating from Royal Canin to Merrick Grain Free Duck. on day 10 with 50 % new food very slow migration. Gas does not seem to be problem, stools OK so far.
My food research was trying to stay with the two largest companies Nestle and M&M as at least they have the R&D and capital to actually take full responsibility for procurement, manufacturing kind a Like a Kubota !
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Flatulent gifts human and dog based
I think I read someplace that Dry Dog food was invented during World War II as a result of food scarcity because of the war. Up to the war dogs ate what their owners ate in the form of scraps.
From a dogs view culinary delight must have diminished significantly, if the dogs had a union I am sure they would have unraveled the Dry food idea after the war.
Feeding a dog what you had leftover made it simple to know if what you fed him was good stuff.
Dehydrating a whole bunch of stuff so it can have a 18 month shelf life and still taste good and be good for you is another thing I think.
Sure is simple though to just go to the dog food bin in measure out the right amout though.
As soon as my wife gets forgetful enough I am planning on putting her on the same dry food diet 
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