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winch problems
I had a 6000 lb winch put on my rover and I did enjoy it thoroughly until the other day when where I had a second battery installed the wiring harness for the positive cable wore a bare spot and started melting of course I turn the switch to cut the power for it offand unplugged the cables. i didn't think nothing about the winch wiring being involved. I had someone else install it for me and wel a mount and all on my rover for it. well now i got nothing when i hit my winch button. I do have a warranty on it but if it can be something easily repaired i had rather do that than have it dismounted. let me know guys.
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winch problems
If it were mine, I would have istalled the second battery to run the winch on so I did not run down my main battery. Also, if I had a winch installed on my vehicle, if I had a short in a positive cable off a battery and disconnected it from the rest the system so it did not burn down my vehicle, I would fix the burned wire and reconnect the battery before I tried my winch.
You left some info out I think.
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winch problems
left out info could almost be a given since i don't know that much about it other than i bought it and paid for it and now i'm having problems with it. when i notices the problem i unhooked everthing going to my main battery and the other one as well and the switch on the second battery that you flip when you "like turn it on" i made sure it was turned off and i would kinda just put the wires back and try my winch but i undid them so quickly i didn't even take a picture of them like i usually do now that i have started trying to do things more for myself. i guess i paniced aa little. sorry for not being more thorough but i can only say what i kinda know. i guess maybe i should of asked now tha i have unhooked all my wires from both my batteries except for the main positive and negative cable and my winch is no longer working is there a way i could test it to see if it burned up or i just unwired something i didn't suppose to. i usually get very good responses from everyone that really helps me. i didn't mean to say anything wrong or leave anything out. i just was needing some guidelines for help. maybe i should just google it, huh?
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winch problems
Sorry, this one seemed so obvious that primary information had been excluded it was hard taking the question serious. In the original post, you made it sound like you had the winch in, then added a second battery but you did not say if it was for the winch or not.
Adding second battery to a vehicle is not much of an issue usually, set the positive and negative leads in parallel.
If the batter was added at the same time as the winch, then you should have one heavy cable going to the winch, there should be another wire going to the other battery to allow the second battery to charge. The wire could also be attached to the fuse block or the alternator.
As winches draw a lot of current, the operator switch will normally activate a relay which will put the battery current to the winch.
Were you using the winch when the problem showed up? If not, then there is probably nothing wrong with the winch.
Was the second battery added for the winch?
What brand and model is the winch?
Did you attempt fixing the wire before trying the winch?
Are the wires still disconnected?
Normally a winch is connected through a realy to the battery, the wires activating the relay for the winch will be in the cab. The relay may or may not use a seperate ground lead from the battery. I would think that there should only be two, maybe 3 wires not counting ground at the most coming off the second battery unless it was added to support something else, then I have no idea on how it could be configured.
Try taking a picture of what you have taken off the batteries then atleast there would be some reference for converstation.
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winch problems
Often when you overload heavy cables like that they heat up so much that the insulation melts, runs into the joints like solder, and then forms an insulating barrier when it cools down and hardens.
If that's the case, cutting off the end lugs and redoing them, or replacing the cables, should solve the problem.
Best of luck.
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