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Broke drill case
I pulled a rookie mistake Saturday, set my cordless drill on the step of a ladder to reach a wire and yes bumped drill off ending up with a very clean break but total break at the lower end of the handle, just above where the battery mount is. I can buy the parts for about $30 plus shipping assuming. Drill is $170 new with batteries and charger.
My questions are,
1) does anyone know of a method (glue or what ever) that will work for such a break.
2) recommendation on a cordless drill.
The drill I have is my third cordless with Mikata being my first and it was stolen. Bought about early 90's so no real comparison to what is built today. Did well for me.
Replaced that with a Dewalt and it was a big improvement in power and used it for years. Mine lasted longer than the batteries and the replacement batteries. 12 volt model.
Replaced that with the Hitachi have for about 2 years now and again an improvement with the Lith Battery.
I want 1/2 inch drill, will drill at least 1" inch in wood and 1/2" in metal. Rather not exceed $200 for drill, charger and batteries. No desire for other tools.
Had good experience with Dewalt, the Hitachi but disappointed with how little a fall it took to break, and really like Milwaukee but no real knowledge of their cordless tools.
Any brands recommended to consider or to run from? Thanks kt
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Broke drill case
Use JB Weld epoxy. Has a grey cured colour, but will hold anything togeather, even engine block parts (been there, done that). If looks aren't important, then smear it beyond the join for better adhesion (sand the plastic too).
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Broke drill case
Hand not thought of that, guess you realize that. Thank you. kt
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