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 02-18-2005, 13:30 Post: 106395

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 Land w overhead High power lines

My wife and i found about 7 acres of land in the country that we both love. Nice and level home site, beutiful mountain views, and the developer needs to sell some lots because he is going to be closing on a large farm next month, so he said "make me an offer'.

BUT thru one corner of the land there runs a large electric overhead transfer lines. The developer gave this lot extra large frontage so you could build and not be under these lines (where we are thinking the house would go would be about 600 ft from the lines)..

What are the dangers of living near (but not directly under) these lines? Or are there any dangers?

The developer says when it rains/high humidity you can hear the lines hum at times.

Question on pricing - since i got you here reading
We have a price sheet for this that a realtor put out. The developer has an agreement that he can sell the lots directly to us, so there would be no commission.

The developer said "make me an offer" - We are thinking we could atleast knock 6% of the listed price (the commission not being paid)...Any ideas on what would be a reasonable percent off to offer that would still be fair?

thanks for any input


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 02-18-2005, 14:10 Post: 106399

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 Land w overhead High power lines

They also crackle under high power consumption, i.e. hot summer A.C. use.

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 02-18-2005, 15:10 Post: 106402

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 Land w overhead High power lines

Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) is the big concern these days.

It's one of those things that is best left to a persons own judgement as to what they do, or do not, feel comfortable with. HAve a little read on the subject at the link below.

Best of luck.

Link:   EMF Info. 

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 02-18-2005, 17:59 Post: 106413

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 Land w overhead High power lines

If I were you, I would go to the county court house and pull the deed to this piece of property if it is on file yet and find out exactly what the dimensions of the power line easement are and if they are likely to be upgraded in the future and the easement widened. If this is investment property; these powerlines are a HUGE party pooper for appreciation value. Murf already mention EMF. Depends on how much voltage is running through them. I have stood under some 675 Kvolt lines in our families farm in VA that will make the hair on your arm stand up during the hot parts of the summer. Probably not a good thing. What restrictions on your use of the property will this power line easement cause you? If these are the run of the mill residential power lines. Totally different story. Check the deed to this property will tell you what the developer paid for it and you can request to look at some deeds to ajoining properties to determine sale price. Also pay close attention to any other right of ways, easements, or restrictions on the property you are interested in as these can be party poopers in the future as well. If I were you, I think I would start my offer at whatever the developer paid for the property and add 5% per year standard real estate appreciation value. He will probably scoff at it but then hopefully he will come back with a counter offer or you can suggest this. Hopefully, you can haggle a competitive price. In VA, property values are flat out going berzerk so the price is not likely to go down with time. Especially if you are looking in the Shenandoah Valley area.

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 02-18-2005, 23:05 Post: 106430

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 Land w overhead High power lines

In our area, overhead line properties are dog turds. They are the ones always for sale, stay for sale longest and bring the least. when we were looking for empty property to build on, all there was with acreage was this stuff. We ended up buying with a house already there. There are some really big high lines next to my garden center and we have a string of lights strung about 15' high parrallel with them. The steel cable that supports the lights picks up enough voltage to be uncomfortable to hold. I am talking about lights not connected to anything and on wood poles. Some farmers have problems with stray voltage and their cows and I have seen some farmers move because of it. I saw a special and I believe they were talking about leukemia and a possible link with power lines and the em field.

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 02-19-2005, 10:42 Post: 106446

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 Land w overhead High power lines

I agree with the psots about utility easements. I had one realtor try to sell me 170 acres of "prime building land"---we walked it and found that nearly 70 a. was easements. I spoke to the power company and they said that there was actually another parallel easement for future power lines that wasn't indicated on the land (we were looking at the area that had been cleared of trees). Also he said we couldn't build within the "tower fall lines" which is beyond the easement---250' each way. And EMF was a concern---in another part of the state where the power lines were somehwere around 14,000v and relatively close to ground a dump truck raising its bed got 4' from the lines and exploded! So EMF does have an effect if it can jump 4'.

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 03-02-2005, 09:31 Post: 107131

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 Land w overhead High power lines

So after reading these posts, you have to ask yourself, will it be worth more money later on or increase in value as other lands?/ NO If it was a stock would you buy it? probably not. IMO RUN away. emf concerns have been around for many years all it would take is one yahoo to come up with real hard evidence and your sunk for future resale. I would buy less land that will definately increase in value and not stay stagnant. Or make an offer so rediculously low that if they took it you would be money ahead in a worse case scenario
my .02

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 03-02-2005, 10:21 Post: 107134

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 Land w overhead High power lines

Some farmers in my area grow all their tomatoes and other vegetables directly under the high tension lines year after year, a friend of ours used to live under high tension lines in a brand new house and had a vegetable garden under it (place looked like the Belluci film "Neighbors"Wink yeah right, he gave us the the biggest zucchini I have ever seen, it was over 30 pounds.

I figure the lines make things grow bigger, faster, and god knows whatever other ways, for my money I like to steer clear of that stuff.

PS. the friend of ours though thin and athletic and in his early 40's developed a heart condition that required a pace maker. He moved to another house in town away from the lines, he was unable to sell the house for years and had to rent it out. He eventually sold it at a big loss.

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 03-02-2005, 12:25 Post: 107141

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 Land w overhead High power lines

Personally I would not do it. I had a farmer friend who had HI-powered utility feeders running to a distribution substation crossing his property. He had an 8” HO fluorescent lamp mounted parallel underneath the power lines and on damp nights that lamp would flash on and off. Damn scary. The power company came out and put filter circuits and grounds on every other post of his electric fences, because he could unplug the fencer and it kept on flashing from induced voltage. I wouldn’t want to expose my family to that, not knowing the long term effect.

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 03-02-2005, 15:16 Post: 107148

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 Land w overhead High power lines

You can do a google search for the words power line health and get an endless number of sites for information. Out of curiosity I looked at several. All stated how the health question had been overblown. There are apparently no legitimate studies that have shown a direct link to power lines and health problems.
My only concern would be the land value. Both the visual aspects and the perceived health aspects would greatly diminish the future sale value. If you plan on living there for a very long time and don't mind looking at the wires, then go for it. If you plan on a relative short stay, I would not do it.

Link:   Power Lines and Health - One site 

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