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Av8r s Movement
(Couldn't resist, he-he)
I thought I'd start a new thread to tell the tale of my new homestead.
The lovely Mrs. Av8r and I have now sold our house in the woods. We had 1 acre in central Wisconsin, near a lake called DuBay. A great place to raise my BX. We sold it becaue I have a new career as an Engineer and my work was about a 70 mile one way commute. Needless to say, something had to be adjusted.
So, to that end, last fall we bought 76 acres 40+ miles closer to my work. It is an absoutely beautiful piece of property, which is adjasent to a 7 acre lake. (typical '80' shape, 1/2 mile x 1/4 mile, the long way is east/west, the lake in on the NW corner of the property, with 4 acres off the SE corner)
The previous owner atempted to start a home there, over-looking the lake, but never built. So a 1/2 mile long driveway and telephone/electic underground runs are done. (Yeah, I know. I figure that was worth about $50k)
We built a 42 x 63 pole barn right away last fall to begin "thinning" out the stuff from our house. That is now full of trucks, cars and pallets of boxes called "storage."
We will break ground on the new house this spring. Untill then we're in a 1200 square foot apartment. (But we got cable internet!) My old e-mail account is gone, if anyone had it, so is my little website of BX stuff. I'm going to start a new one, populated with pictures of the project. So, stay tuned.
Thanks for reading my ramblings.
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Av8r s Movement
Now that's a good story! Best of luck on your new homestead. It's stressful, but hang in there and it will work out.
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Av8r s Movement
As I am in Appleton at the moment. I has more interest than usual. Sounds like a wonderful spot. When can I bring my fishing pole?
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Av8r s Movement
Don't (we) know it, Ken. We have just settled on a builder today, now to finalize the plan and engineering of the house. We are building a modified version of the below link. It'll look great overlooking the lake.
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Av8r s Movement
I will be waiting for updates also.
AV8, I paid $350. per running foot for my power to be brought down to the house. $350. times 2600 feet? Hmmm You got a good deal there! Good luck
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Av8r s Movement
Wow. I'm openly envious.
If you're near Appleton, stop in and say hello to Dave S. in sales at Appleton HD/Buell. He is one of the nation's top Buell guys, and by all accounts a swell guy.
Good luck on your new house project.
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Av8r s Movement
I guess you have a lot of fun ahead of you! How much work needs to be done to get the property up to how you want it? Is it wooded? Are you flat or hilly?
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Av8r s Movement
Aw Sweet!! That sounds like an awesome place for a home. Make sure the kitchen has good storage. I do all the cooking (I enjoy food, trying not dig on the wife's cooking) so my current crappy kitchen is a disappointment. Land, lake, trees, no close neighbors, tractor space and a shop. Way to go!!
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Av8r s Movement
AV8R, the biggest problem I would have about moving away from the Lake Dubay area is that I would be farther away from Knowlton and the cheese factory. I have become somewhat of a cheese curd expert and know most of the best places in the state to get squeeky fresh cheese curds. I've been known to drive 30 miles out of my way to go through Knowlton. They are definately the best.
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Av8r s Movement
Sounds Good. You won't regret it. We did a total career change 12 years ago. Flipped a house, moved out of CT and live in upstate NY now on 40 acres. What seemed like a lot of money for the parcel then is trivial now. The neighborhood is changing. I'm curious why the buried cable is so much? I rented a back hoe and buried 800'of cable myself. It took a day and a half to dig the trench (30" deep) put 2" of sand, lay the cable & phone the bury it. My power company wanted to charge $5 a foot for the cable. I purchased it for $1.50/ ft. If I did it again, it would be done with a ditch witch and conduit.
I must say my hair wasn't gray when I started this thing. It's totally white now.
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