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Fresh Sweetcorn
Just had all I could hold of Sweetcorn and Tomatoes fresh from the garden, Church supper season is just around the corner, wonder why my pants are getting amaller?
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Fresh Sweetcorn
When there's room have another ear for me too will ya' Frank, just as a favour mind you.
Due to severe food allergies (on the part of my new gal, not me) corn is a no-no in the house. She loves it, but it's not fair to chow down in front of her if she can't have so much as a single kernel!!
Now the tomatoes, thats a whole 'nuther story!!! Them's good eating!!!!
Best of luck.
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Fresh Sweetcorn
Hardwood, we purchased sweet corn from a fellow Church member this year and it was the best we have ever had. He paid over $600 per bag for one type of seed he used. But corn is not fatting is it? I mean, just cause they feed it to hogs...
Murf, food allegries can reach where you would not think and then be safe in another area. My youngest as a child could not have certain corn products. For a Southern family that was tough..no corn, no grits, no cheese puffs and so forth. Then my grandson is allegric to peanuts (sure did affect my growing of them and partly due to this quit) but peanut oil is ok. The part that causes the allegry is not in the oil but is in peanut butter.
Hardwood, know the problem, you are allegric to CORN and it breaks out in fat! On your Church suppers, we changed Churches last year to a rural small Church. The dinner season there is year round. Hosting local university footbal team this Sunday. kt
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Fresh Sweetcorn
My youngest as a child could not have certain corn products. For a Southern family that was tough..no corn, no grits, no cheese puffs and so forth.
In my gal's case corn is just one of a long list, corn, wheat, most grains, milk & milk products & honey.
It's kind of amazing what has corn in it, food ingredients are one of the things you never really think of unless for a specific reason, like an allergy.
Here's just a few of the things in everyday life that contain corn & corn by-products;
-baking powder
-confectioner's sugar
-dextrin or maltodextrin
-glucose, fructose & dextrose
-excipients (the stuff they use to stick a pill together)
-golden syrup
-glucona delta lactone (preservative for cured (deli) meats)
-invert sugar or invert syrup
-malt, malt syrup, malt extract
-mono- and di-glycerides
-monosodium glutamate (MSG)
-starch, food starch, modified food starch
-vanilla extract
-vegetable-anything (including vegetable oil, vegetable broth, vegetable protein, vegetable shortening, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and vegetable mono- and di-glycerides)
So, water is safe, much else, maybe not.
She's a writer and food & allergy expert, the last while has been quite a learning experience.
Best of luck.
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Fresh Sweetcorn
Food alergies are much more common than I ever knew, a friend of mine can have nothing containing wheat flour, that eliminates a lot of things. So long as he is carefull he gets along fine. Wow, a football team at a church supper, you better get plenty the first time thru the line. We get our corn from a neighbor who grows it commercially. I don't know how many acres he has, but even the hungryest of Raccons don't stand a chance of getting it all. We tried everything from electric fences, a radio playing all night, etc. but they always beat us to it. Frank.
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Fresh Sweetcorn
Wow, a football team at a church supper, you better get plenty the first time thru the line. We get our corn from a neighbor who grows it commercially. I don't know how many acres he has, but even the hungryest of Raccons don't stand a chance of getting it all. We tried everything from electric fences, a radio playing all night, etc. but they always beat us to it. Frank.
Frank, we were told to use our big pots.
On the Raccoons, how about coon hunters and coon dogs?
I have a suggestion, BBQ coon hash for the football players? Been told it is good. Hey Eathwerks, will save you some! kt
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