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Why are Honey Crisp Apples so expensive
I eat lots of apples and was wondering why Honey Crisp Apples are so pricey?
And apples in general for that matter. While it is apple season here in the northeast prices on apples are very high. The regular price on Honey Crisps is as much as $4.99 per pound, that sounds crazy.
I usually go to Sams, BJ's, or Costco to buy apples and usually get much better prices than the large Super Market Chains like AP or ShopRite. Usually pay $1.25 to $1.5 per pound for what supermarkets consider premium price apples.
Could the labor be so much cheaper in South America that air freighting apples in the winter is cheaper than local grown harvests?
My recent favorite apples are Jazz, Pink Lady, Envy, and Ambrosia.
What are your favorites?
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Why are Honey Crisp Apples so expensive
We like the Honey Crisp also and my wife bought a small bag last week. I am sure she did not pay that high a price for them. However they are higher than most if not all other varieties here and they grow a lot of apples about 1 to 2 hundred miles from us. Think it was last spring in NC apple area believe it was ice that damaged a lot of the trees driving prices up. BTW, she just bought them last week and when I checked to be sure the variety one is very soft and beginning to rot. kt
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Why are Honey Crisp Apples so expensive
That's the beauty of where I live, here in the Finger Lakes. The Honey Crisp are sold by the pound, here. Fresh from trees I think $.99 per. Bushel of rest of many Varieties are $17.00 this year. I personally like Fortune it's a later apple in the meantime I'll eat Many different varieties. I buy a bushel or 2 a week for the guys here. Get 1/2 bushel bags 2 at a time of different varieties.
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