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fuel tank stalling problem
help !!
1993 f-150 5.0 gas,dual tanks,replaced rear tank and rear pump(pump is new and was tested for flow /presure prior to installing),new fuel filter,pump comes up to presure and shuts off at key turn (on),runs at diagnostic plug bypass.fuel gage reads "empty" on a good float and a full tank of gas,vehical will run for a few seconds and quits.
vehical will run on front tank
beleve its electrical, is there two relays and if so where/no check engine light, only one fuel regulator(works due to front tank works)
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fuel tank stalling problem
It's been a while, but here goes.
I seem to recall there is a 3 way valve and relay set mid-ships on the frame, this is what changes over the flow from one tank to the other, it also switches the float sensor to read off the tank being used.
If the switch over is not happening it will do EXACTLY as you describe. Start there, something is not switching either fuel or sensor over.
Best of luck.
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fuel tank stalling problem
murf, thanks but that was not the problem.
some one at the factory or had the pump out of the box placed the pos and neg wires on the sending unit on wrong/polarity was reversed causing a sucking not a pushing/motor is d/c .wow did I learn fuel injection !!!!
93 do not have a tank switching valve/power is switched by a relay and gas is prevented going back to the other tank by check valves /both tanks run to a "y" line then share a single line through the filter then to the fuel regulator.
the presure side I tested was actually the return line sheeesshhhh
fuel gage fixed itself/I belive it had to do with the pump negative lead
one more gray hair
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