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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I was looking for feedback on the F-250 Turbo Diesel extendedcab shortbed. Does anyone here have anything positive or negative to say about them? What kind of mileage do you get? Any reliability problems? I have never had a diesel truck, the only diesel experience I have is with my Kubota. Thanks for your input, DougK in PA
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I am a Cummins Dodge guy and anything I would say about the Ford Powerstrokes mights let's say be taken as a bit bias'd. I LOVE the crewcab and interiors of the Ford trucks. The fit and finish looks to be as good as any of the manufacturers. The 6.0 Powerstroke is where this truck falls on its face and I would caution you NOT to buy one right now. If you are set on a Ford Powerstrok, wait and buy next years model. They are having huge numbers of problems with this engine and very loyal Ford truck customers are VERY upset about it. In fact, Ford has resorted to the unheard of and radical solution of buying back trucks from unhappy customers in order to save their reputation. Don't take my word for it......... read about it below.
If the Cummins engine and NV5600 transmission was an option on the Ford F-250/350; I would be driving a crewcab Ford right now.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Now if we could just get the engine options the big boys have we would all be happy. Nothing like a Ford Cat or a Dodge Perkins.
The IH has been a good engine over the years and the trouble is recent and probably short lived as Chief states. I ran both side by side and would have made the same choice as Chief if the Ford had the Cummins. As it is I made the same choice as Chief. Mine is just a little bigger.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I went with the DURAMAX,and boy am I very happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Obviously I am a Powerstroke guy... but the "growing pains" with the new engine are a big issue. It may only be a small number of trucks but it's still too high. many of the problems are things that cna be fixed RELATIVELY easily, reflash problems, leaking seal, bad pedal, rolling idles, etc but must drive you nuts on a 45,000 truck when there's no quick fix.
I hope the 04's have it worked out. I think it still can be the best combination on the market. The truck is great all around and the motors do have plenty of power but the bugs are still inexcusable. It is a shame because several towing/performance reviews have shown that this new tranny/motor combo is the top performer power-wise on the market.
Ford isn't the first manufacturer to have problems with a first year model and rebound to have a very succesful model in the end. I guess we'll see how it shakes out.
My buddy is set on an 04, since they are hitting the showroom floors as we speak we will soon know if the problems have been addressed. I think you shouldn't rule out the Ford just wait a few weeks and the online forums will let you know if strides have been made towards fixing the bugs.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I bought one recently for my right-hand man as a thank you for his performance last year.
It was one that had the bad injection sensor, before it even acted up the dealer phoned him and said to bring it in for a swap-out. They did a free oil change and lube while it was there in way of an apology for the inconvenience. They said it didn't need to be re-flashed since it was produced after the change-up in software had been made. Other than that no problems so far.
Does he like it, you couldn't slap the smile of his face, I think he slept in it for the first few nights...then he put a garage door in the side of his bedroom.
Best of luck.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Glad to hear that hopefully Ford is working out the growing pains and issues. How the Ford dealer handled your friend is just how is should be! Wish all dealers were like that.
Murf, anytime you would like to buy one of those for me; please feel free to do so...... you wouldn't be able to slap the smile off of my face either! ! Bedroom would definitely have a garage door on it as you say! That was one heck of a kind act for your employee.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Chief, I wouldn't want to spoil you, it might go to your head and we all love you just the way you are !!! MAO
I firmly believe that people should be compensated in proportion to their value to me, last year he proved invaluable, it was the least I could do. He was not the only one heavily bonused, if not for them I wouldn't have had a company to come home from the hospital to. There was NO hesitation on their part, they just pitched in and ran with it, so much so that they actually achieved a 10% increase in profits.
This winter, with my doctors & good lady's permission I might add, the entire senior staff is going to the Bahamas for two weeks for a 'Management Retreat' nudge, nudge, wink, wink ;->
Best of luck.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Having worked in this country for 12 years I can honestly state that your views and actions are positively unAmerican.
But then I have taken a lot of heat for my views and actions regarding employees over the years.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I inherited my management views & methods from the same place most of my other opinions were formed, our family & the farm they built up and still run. I'm the ninth generation on the same land. We may not be using the most widely accepted methods, but our 'family' includes many people who are not 'blood' relatives, but have worked for us a long time, including several who are multi-generation employees. Many of the farms which we own but only share-crop are managed by former employees or relatives of employees.
We have never been 'followers', always 'leaders', during the mid 1800's our family was proudly the northern end of the underground railway. To this day there is a community of people nearby who are the decendants of former 'runaway' slaves who settled in the area and built a church & school.
We have always believed people should share in the prosperity they create. IMHO, it is the greatest single motivator there is, someone who feels as though the money they are making is at least party theirs will work harder to earn it, and treat the customer with more care and attention.
Bankrupt companies taken over by management-led employee buyouts by and large have a much higher success rate than any other single group.
Best of luck.
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