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2000 F250
I'm looking at a real low miles 2000 XLT F250 4x4 regular cab. It has the 5.4 engine. Wondering about known things to watch out for? I saw some posts about ball joints and auto hubs. Issues there?
The truck has remote start but I'm not sure about remote entry. Was that common in this model year? It doesn't have the keypad on the door. Owner has passed away and wife isn't sure. There is no Ford remote entry on the keychain. I didn't think to try the other buttons on the remote start. I know where the remote entry box is on my Explorer. Not sure about the F250 truck.
Also, truck had a Myers plow. Owner gave the plow away but truck still has hitch, inside controls, and wiring. The hitch is of the tube style. If I look for a plow and lights is there a certain model I need to look or ask for?
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2000 F250
Ford had some issues with head gaskets leaking in the 5.4 engine. I know it was still an issue in '99. Other than that, I understand that it's a good motor.
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2000 F250
Cef, long time no see! Good to see you post! How have you been doing? As mentioned the 5.4 liter engine is pretty reliable with the noted exceptions but may be a bit underpowered for that size truck depending upon application. If it has the manual transmission; that should address any power concerns but the automatic transmissions if used hard especially towing heavy don't hold up well. (for any of the major brands) If the truck has been used for a lot of snow plow work; it would be prudent o drain and replace all of the fluids and note the condition of the fluids that were drained.
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2000 F250
The 1999 model F250's had an issue with ball joints that affected some. As far as I know by 2000 they had that cleaned up. If a remote start was added, the original keyless entry may not work anymore or was tossed. The F250 and larger do not get the keypad on the door. You can buy it as a stick on for $150.00. Keyless entry is standard with XLT trim package. My 2002 F250 with 5.4 is a good truck with 52,000 miles on the first set of tires and original brakes. I have the extended cab model. My only complaint is the seats are aweful hard but are softening. I'm told they get comfortable at about 70,000 miles so they can last for 200,000+. My neighbor up North has a 2001 F350 4door and diesel with about 160,000 miles and has had good luck with his also. The 5.4 is setup good with power curve and shift points to haul decent for its size motor and automatic transmission. I usually only pull less than 10,000 lbs. and on fairly level ground.
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2000 F250
I've got the 2000 F250 diesel 4x4 with extended cab. I love the truck. But the ball joints went bad by 120,000 miles. I could jack it up and pull the bottom of the front tire and get it to move a good 1/32 - 1/16". So that sucked. Also had the rear end blow a seal at 100,000 miles.
I had 93,000 miles in the original tires when I took a nail in the sidewall which prompted new tires all around. I'm now at about 135k miles and still have the original brakes with plenty of pad left. But I don't plow nor do I do lots of heavy towing. I have used it for heavy towing, just not often.
The 5.4 L isn't the best on fuel mileage. A buddy of mine has the '99 with the 5.4L and had the head gasket problem. His mileage as typiclaly between 10-12 mpg with 12 being his best. He has the auto trans. I have the diesel so I get better mileage.
The seats are hard, but not bad at 135k miles. Although my driver's side looks and feels like it has a spring wanting to poke out. I probably could use new shocks, but haven't bothered as the springs are so stiff it's hard to tell. Ride quality is pretty good considering it's an F250 Superduty 4x4.
Only had one problem with traction with the 4x4 setup. That was my own fault. Spring time with the frost coming out and I tried driving on the lawn. I sunk in a good 6-8 inches into that slick mush clay stuff I got. I wasn't sure I'd get out of that, but I did.
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2000 F250
The balljoint problem that I was aware of is that the truck would wander all over the road even with low mileage. New ball joints didn't necessarily fix the problem. On those that were affected, there wasn't much you could do to make the wandering go away. I'd suggest test driving it, going straight down the road on a flat, smooth road and take you hands off the wheel. It should hold course for quite some time before needing to make steering corrections.
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2000 F250
Thanks for the clarification Yoop on the ball joint problem. My 2000 F250 does wander a touch, but it's solid front axle vehicle and is big and subject to cross winds. My wife's SUV is better and her old Mustang was too. Is the truck terrible, heck no. Take it for a test drive and see how it feels.
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2000 F250
I have a 5.4 in a 99 F150 and everybody asks me if I ever had a sparkplug eject from the head. Hear this engine is known for this? I've got almost 60,000 troublefree miles from mine.
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