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snowchains for duallys
Well, I'm about a week away from giving notice to my landlord and making the first of what I hope are only three trips up the state to move the rest of my stuff....I have an 85 ford F350 8'x12' stakebed 1 ton dually..Loking at the ten day forecast for the area, it looks like I'll be arriving during a snow storm on the first trip...so I nned chains for my truck....
I'm wondering how this works with a dually...Do the chains only go on the outside tires, or do they make chains to go around each pair? Also, where is chain technolgy at now...(haven't bought any in about 20 years as until about 3 years ago I've had 4x4s all that time)..
also, am I wise to buy on line, if so where should I go? Or is this something I should go somewhere and have custom fitted?
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snowchains for duallys
Personally I pushed the dually through the chain stop last year. I have limited slip and a manual so have no problem in the snow. I am not sure why CA and OR still thinks about old technology. In B.C. they close the passes but do not require chains anymore. The only place I have seen requirements for chains and 4X is on Mt. Washington Ski hill which is a gravel logging road up the mountain on Vancouver Island.
Normally you only chain the outer set. It is difficult to get the chains on and off the inners.
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snowchains for duallys
Is there a Les Schwab tire store down there?
If not, there certainly will be several on the way. They will have your size and very competitive pricing. Freight on tire chains isn't cheap.
Schwab has a program where if you don't use the chains and don't open the package they will buy them back next spring.
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snowchains for duallys
tirechains.com has Dually chains, see link below.
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snowchains for duallys
Attached is the guide from B.C. for winter tires and chains.
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snowchains for duallys
Peters.... you have been nabbed by the old double http// ploy. Erase one and your link will work.
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snowchains for duallys
Naturally the CALTRANS site tells you nothing but they require chains most of the time.
It is interesting the most mountainous state in NA requires good winter tires or chains and CA requires chains or 4X most of the time.
Thanks Randy. I fixed it. Not that I don't do it all the time. I normally check it before someone tries it.
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snowchains for duallys
Based on lots of seat time in a dually plowing some pretty terrible private roads, including my own ( ), I can tell you, chaining both tires is a major PITA.
On the other hand, a small piece of timber, cut to form a ramp, and with a spike or something sticking down to stop it from slipping, under the inside dual will make putting chains on the outside dual a cinch.
BTW, I've had the opportunity to go head-to-head with another dually that dual chains, it made no noticeable difference at all.
The bottom line is if it gets to the point where you need all 4 rear wheels chained, you have more serious problems than just traction.
Best of luck.
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snowchains for duallys
On the other hand, a small piece of timber, cut to form a ramp, and with a spike or something sticking down to stop it from slipping, under the inside dual will make putting chains on the outside dual a cinch
What a great idea....Would take a lot of the 'dread' out of putting on chains...And I might even be able to complete the task without getting too dirty!
Is there a Les Schwab tire store down there?
I don't know about down here, but there are definitely some up there...worse comes to worse, I guess I could stop by one of their stores on the way up...
My main concern is when I get to about 150' from the drive leading into my property, there is this little hill...probably only about 12--15' high, and maybe 30'-40' long on each side..Gravel road with hard dirt...The neighbor tells me it's the only spot he has trouble with in his 2wd toyota pick up...Another neighbor complains aout it too....I guess it gets a bit slippery...If and when I get to the point where I can buy my backhoe...one of my first projects will be to knock some of the crown off that hill and use the dirt to lengthen the slopes...of course, I want to have the chains regardless, in case I ever hit heavy enough snow that they put up the chain check points...
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