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Ford F150 recall
Brokenarrows post on the GM site reminded me of the F-150 recall. You park the truck in the garage, brake fluid dips on hot circuits placed below and the truck ignites in flame.
After they announced the expansion of the recall I dug up the numbers for my Ford that was burned in my house fire in 99. Guess what? So which burned first the house or the truck? As we were on vacation in B.C. it is a little hard to determine now. If anyone is interested I will post the pictures.
They did not send me a recall notice. If you have a F-150 or Expedition I would check the VIN on the Ford site.
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Ford F150 recall
Ah! The recal notice was in the mailbox when the house burned? Peters it seems you have a good history with Volvo's have you ever worked on their engines? I rebuilt my boat engine last year and wound up with different crank and pistons and a longer stroke. I couldn't find anything of this in the automotive industry only in the marine which means high parts prices or really high prices! Thanks to Ebay I found the pieces I needed at resonable prices. Nice engines with a lot of beef and built very well.
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Ford F150 recall
Peters.... I don't say this very often...... you might need to talk to a good product liability lawyer.
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Ford F150 recall
Art, their are a couple of places that supply motor parts for Volvo engines (IPD). Rings and oversized pistons can be obtained for the B-20, B23 etc.
It is a while since I worked on Volvo Penta I am not sure which engines are actually Volvo engines now. The 4 and 6 were, but the 8 was a GM.
DR I talked with the lawyers but I am not sure if I have any evidence after all these years. In 99 no one would check for the truck self igniting.
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Ford F150 recall
I did something 'novel', I pulled the "cruise" attachment.
Very easy to do - about 10 seconds, start to finish.
I was told if this was done, a fire was not possible from this problem. I had over 90,000 miles on the truck - a 1998 F-150 4+4 that I purchased new. I really doubt I would have had to do it. If you check into how many trucks this occurred with (a fire) you will see it is small. I realize it is a potential problem, but after 90K and being my #3 truck out of 4, I wasnt going to have some dealer screw with it. If a fire happened to any of you - I do sympathize with you. Not much you can do now. Most people dont know that recall work for vehicals is one of the most profitable things a dealer gets to work on. I just couldnt justify it after driving it over 90K already.
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