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ford E150 cold starting problem-
Help, I am at my wits end !!!
1995 e150 5.0 liter auto ,ac
It occasionally wont start when it has been sitting over night.
starter spins motor over,has spark at the plugs(new cap,rotor,plugs ,wires,new filters).
no trouble codes at all( which makes me believe its mechanical)fuel pump relay turns on(pump less than a year old).I have cleaned all possible elctrical conections.
It could go a week then opps nothing. A major gremlin.
Q. what turns the fuel pump relay off when the fuel pressure is up ????
Q. even with no codes could a throttle position sensor cause this ????
Q.could a ingition switch be a proplem??
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ford E150 cold starting problem-
It's been a while but let's see if I remember this stuff.
First, pump relay, it doesn't shut off till the key goes off, it is a 'pressure by-pass' style of pump, the pressure is maintained up to the motor full-time, when the pressure reaches a set point a relief valve allows the excess to go back to the tank in a return line.
Second, TPS, not likely, more likely would be the temp sensor telling the motor it's colder outside than it really is, causing it to go into 'cold start' mode, flooding the not cold-enough engine.
If you have spark then it can't be an ignition switch problem.
I would be looking for a sensor that is out of range, likely one that tells the engine temperature. Unfortunately the earlier diagnostic software didn't have the capacity to spare for things like sensors being out of range. Some of them can only be checked with a good Ohm meter and a reading across the sensor to ground. If the resistance is not with in a specified range, it's junk.
Best of luck.
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ford E150 cold starting problem-
I might throw a new pick up coil in it. Each manufacture use a different name, but they are the Hall effect sensor that replaced the points.
As they are basicly an electromagnet with hair fine wire they can be intermittent in their problems. I went down the same road with an 80 Volvo I had, replacing all the plugs etc. I measured the spark and it looked good then tried to start the car the next time and nothing. In this case the spark was weak and the car would start eventually on one or two cylinders. Once warm it purred like a kitten. Once I changed out the coil it was perfect. I was as frustrated before as you sound.
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ford E150 cold starting problem-
follow up: had TFI module checked out -ok
replaced coil due to questionable conections and post deteriation
will keep Stator issue in the back of my head,can not simply replace it on this ford I have to get a rebuilt distributor,I allways mangle the shaft doing this .
will keep posted,thanx
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ford E150 cold starting problem-
The Volvo's pickup coil was rusted in and I had to replace the whole distributor also. With the Volvo it was mucho dinero.
The relay for the fuel pump could easily be intermittent also. I have had relays acting in a similar manner.
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