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Best Ford Pickup Truck Engine to tow 7 tons
I am looking for a pickup that will tow 14,000 (bumper pull) for short distance and not often either. Have had my excavator for about six years and furthest it has been pulled it maybe 10 miles one round trip. Our ground is basically level. Most of the towing will be less than 1 mile in distance.
I feel like the 250 or 350 are the same sizes in Chevy or Dodge are safe.
My concern I prefer Ford but am being told to stay away for the 6.0 and also the 6.4 diesel. Both have major issues. How about Ford's gas engines also? I am looking for a used rig as it is not needed very often.
Oh, ex Ford salesman told this also this evening and recommended Dodge but said then they have transmission issues. Looking for any and all feed back on all brands and engines. Thanks kt
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Best Ford Pickup Truck Engine to tow 7 tons
I have a Ford F-250 Super Duty. 5.4 gas engine that I pull a 16 foot trailer and buy and sell tractors, pulling I get about 13 MPG and just the truck I get around 16 MPG,I never know if anything is behind me when loaded.
I love the gas 5.4 and the fuel is cheaper and the MPG is about the same.
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Best Ford Pickup Truck Engine to tow 7 tons
I live in Upper Middle,East Tennessee, near the KY and TN state line. that has hills and valleys also drive on interstates Highways.,
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Best Ford Pickup Truck Engine to tow 7 tons
Thanks Bugs. Just got off the phone with a friend who has tractor garage and he said never heard an issue with the gas. He did say you could not tote enough gas to the V 10.
I used to have brother in law who's nickname was Bugs.
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Best Ford Pickup Truck Engine to tow 7 tons
Bugs, what kind of transmission and rear axle ratio are you running?
I see the V8 with 3.73 rear axle is maybe 10,000 for bumper pull. I will not pull this load often but will need to pull about 14,000 equipment and trailer on basically flat land and never over 10 miles one way.
Have narrowed my hunt to three, 2 the V 10, one manual trans and one auto both 4.10 axle ratio and the other is V8 with 3.73 ratio. Owner of the V10 manual said it gets about 13 mpg on road and 12.5 in town. He does not use it to tow. The other two are dealers so no real history there.
Thanks Bugs. kt
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Best Ford Pickup Truck Engine to tow 7 tons
My tranny is just an Automatic and not sure about my rear end ,but I have a 16 2 axel trailers 7500 pounds, that has on it now 201 8 Inch Concrete brocks and about 200 Bricks, and 30 -16 foot pieces of oak lumber on it, And my 5.4 gas handled it very well for over 50 miles.
Now I do have a load, this morning I unlock it from my truck and had to use 2 jacks to jack up the trailer to get it off of my ball. I am sure I am overloaded.
I retired from the Government and many called me bugs at work, so I took Bugs as a user name.
real name is Bronnie. Pronounce as B--Ronnie now put together.
I buy and sell used one owner low hours farm tractors ,repaid whatever and then paint them and change all fluids then sell. and I haul all of the time. I now have 4 Tractors. This 250 ford with the same engine as my ex 2007 150 ford has the same engine but I get better gas mileage then the 2007 150.
I think also that the 250 and 350 are the same truck except for springs and shocks. Just me, from looking and driving them.
Also a Ford truck will resale better then a Chevy or a Dodge. Besides I am parcel to a Ford. I have heard that the dodge was having transmission problems, and the Chevy will rust on you.
look on Gov deals.com and all are Government trucks ,and I found my 250 a 2002 with 61,000 miles and all service records and they had just put on new tires, fan belts ,battery, brakes and rotors, last year and I gave $58xx.00 Dollars and when I got it home I was offered $14,000.00 for it, I said no after driving over 600 miles. I have put on about 14,000 miles without any problems or any oil use and it is a 4x4.Has a 5.4 engine, Auto, am-fm radio air,it is an XL model and I love it.Plus saved several thousands dollars.
Take your time and you will find a low mileage good truck in a 250 or 350 or any other kind of truck.Look for service records that can tell you a lot on Govdeals.
Good Luck.
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Best Ford Pickup Truck Engine to tow 7 tons
Well I did a lot of looking on line and narrowed that to three and then two and ended up with a V 10 gas with 6 sp manual trans. Been a few years since my last manual but just driving it yesterday home find it easy to find the gears and fun to yes shift. One thing if I read the manual correctly it says not to hit red line before shifting but there is no red line on the tach. Bugs thanks for your help. kt
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Best Ford Pickup Truck Engine to tow 7 tons
Your welcome..
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Best Ford Pickup Truck Engine to tow 7 tons
My 2002 F-250 with 5.4 and 3.70 ratio is rated for 8,800 lbs. towing capacity. I've pulled about 11,000 lbs. with it. My mileage is about 12-13mpg on highway and about 6-8 towing. Have a triple axle flatbed and dual axle dump trailers. Mine is an automatic.
In some states you need a CDL to legally tow 14,000 lbs.
If you want a gas setup the V10 is the way to go.
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Best Ford Pickup Truck Engine to tow 7 tons
YP, I found a 2008 with the V8 gas and auto. The salesman was stubborn and told me over and over it would tow I think it was 16,000 pounds. It had about that same rear axle ratio (I had that verified) and he wanted to tell me it was a 4.10. One reason I walked from there.
So far (about 1/2 tank) for my local driving with NO load 95% with A/C on it hit 12.7 mpg yesterday for average on that 1/2 tank. My wife said work with it till at least 15 mpg.
Here Farm Tags are I think about unlimited if not unlimited on weight. Friend who did farm our place drives a tracker trailer with regular license with Farm License plate. There is a distance from home you are limited to. Not sure what it is but feel right sure under 300 miles, maybe even less than 200 miles. kt
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