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 08-08-2004, 16:06 Post: 92976
2004-08-08 16:06:49
Post: 92976
 Worst Puchase Ever 2004 Ford F150

Made a decision last winter to buy a Ford again, but I have regretted this since the first week I owned it.

Do yourself a favor and read this before buying one, or letting a friend buy one.

Link:   Honest Review of the 2004 F-150 

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 08-09-2004, 04:46 Post: 93003

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 Worst Puchase Ever 2004 Ford F150

Thanks for the post. Pretty sad that the usa can't build a truck.
My 2001 GMC is a piece of crap. I have been looking at the fords lately. I guess I will look again!

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 08-09-2004, 08:55 Post: 93015

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 Worst Puchase Ever 2004 Ford F150

Strange, I bought one, a super cab mind you, for my foreman since he was doing a LOT of miles in his dually just driving around, and not 'working' it.

He thinks it's the greatest truck he's ever driven.

Personal taste may have more to do with it than anything else.

Best of luck.

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 08-09-2004, 09:48 Post: 93029

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 Worst Puchase Ever 2004 Ford F150

Some of the complaints listed do seem to be personal taste. I'm no longer much of a Ford fan but I drove a new F150 loaner once and was really impressed with the seating and comfort in that truck.

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 08-16-2004, 12:48 Post: 93654

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 Worst Puchase Ever 2004 Ford F150

You have failed to consider the 1/2 ton truck class is the most popular trucks for use by anyone not taking it off highway. That's where the money is at so that's where the F150 was design to go.


Is a website that shows the demographics of height. 6 feet tall is 72 inches (for the math impared). Well over 95% of white women and 75% of white men are less than 72 inches in height. So if you design something, you have to design for the majority of your target consumer. It's my duty to tell you that as an adult male over 6 feet tall living in a rural community that uses his truck off a paved highway, you are not a member of the target consumer for 1/2 trucks. That goes for any manufacturer.

If you are going farm and offroad use, stick to 3/4 ton or bigger. I love my F250 Superduty. The new F150's were built to accomodate more women than men. So naturally it's not built for tall men like yourself. The world has changed and I have to accept that there are products that I used to purchase that I no longer can because they have adjusted to the "poplarity" that has shifted their demographics. If I don't fit it, then fine, I will go buy something else that will.

I'm 5' 6" tall with 50" shoulders and a 17" neck. Try finding nice clothes that fit. Sport coats and suits all need tailoring for the jackets. I'm outside of the average male demographic for that height so I know products are harder to find. You are outside of the demographics for today's 1/2 trucks.

I didn't buy a Dodge because in Northern Minnesota they had a nasty habit of exploding the transmission all over your garage floor in winter.

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 08-16-2004, 13:24 Post: 93656

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 Worst Puchase Ever 2004 Ford F150

"It's my duty to tell you that as an adult male over 6 feet tall living in a rural community that uses his truck off a paved highway, you are not a member of the target consumer for 1/2 trucks. "

How unfortunate but true. Most 1/2 ton trucks are bought by posers who "need" a pickup to drive from their suburban home to work. What does that leave for guys who need to work their truck? I suppose a 3/4 ton.

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 08-16-2004, 14:20 Post: 93658

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 Worst Puchase Ever 2004 Ford F150

I thought it was against the law to put a child with booster seat in the front seat, particularly in the middle between air bags.

The seats are very hard for the first 50,000 miles but soften up so they are still good between 130,000 and 180,000 miles. Not like sitting in grandma's sofa.

The 1/2 ton trucks are for city slickers that drive them to the grocery store and roll them on the freeway, (ie the lower chassis height.)

The armrests are big for side impact protection as well as the dropped window ledge. The drop lets you see next to you like for curbs and other stuff. If you can't see behind you get the "beeper" upgrade.

With a regular cab they had to but some space behind the seat so you don't crash your head against the rear window with a rear impact crash. Most people use that for ocassional storage in tool boxes or gun cases.

The door pillar again is for safety while it has a second purpose so you can hide behind it when driving through the ghetto(meant primarily for brothers and drug dealers)

If the truck is in a forward gear and moving you can depress the seatbelt red release button and it will cancel the alarm.

The sides are deeper to protect the innocent from the stupid people so cargo don't fall out. (beds, mattresses, tables, chairs, etc. that people don't have smarts enough to tie down securely when they are weaving through traffic while talking on their cell phone, eating a sandwich and plucking nosehair).

Ice and stone buildup on fancy spoked rims can be eliminated by purchasing the low-end product with standard steel rims, etc. (Don't get the XLT package). Mudflaps help as well.

Test drive your next vehicle first for an extended period. Sounds like you need a plain "old" 3/4 ton worktruck with rubber floor mats with extended cab for the little guy and an 8' box which should be less money than the fancy 1/2 ton rig you're currently driving.

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 08-16-2004, 15:44 Post: 93666

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 Worst Puchase Ever 2004 Ford F150

I was just reading some 'typical buyer profile' info. from one of those market research companies.

It seems not all 1/2 ton buyers are stupid suburbanite posers after all. In fact it seems that farmers & working men all over North America were right all along, a pickup is your best buy.

Dollar for dollar a 1/2 ton pick-me-up truck is a far value for less money than a mini-van (read "Tragic Wagon"Wink yeah right and has a FAR higher resale value.

I was kidding a neighbour of mine who just bought a GM-by-the-C pickup about his suburban-cruiser. He claims it has all the same equipment (toys) and 3 times the workability as the Minivan his wife wanted, but was $2,500 less money. The fact that it was RWD instead of FWD just clinched the deal for him.

Best of luck.

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 08-17-2004, 06:59 Post: 93702

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 Worst Puchase Ever 2004 Ford F150

Don't know how much difference there is between a '97 and '04 but they have a similar body style. I just traded off my '97 F150 after 7 years and 144,000 miles and never had a repair on it. No leaks, no drips, no rattles, no scratches, no rust. I could not have been happier with it. I am 6'-5" and it was very comfortable for me. My previous was an '87 Bronco. 10 years and 208,000 miles with minimal repairs. My new is 2004 F250 with 3500 miles. Pleased with it so far. With this kind of service and comfort, I will be driving a Ford for a long time. I was die-hard Chevy until dealer made me mad and I went to Ford. It's all a matter of personal preference.

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 08-17-2004, 11:39 Post: 93729

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 Worst Puchase Ever 2004 Ford F150

Pick-up vs. Mini-van is like Apple vs. gutter.

Things you can't do with a regular mini-van:
1) load gobs of stuff
2) enjoy RWD

Things you can't do with a regular pick-up:
1) load gobs of kids
2) enjoy FWD

Plus the comparison of the resale value is of little value [sic.] because the two vehicles are seldom bought for the same reasons. I can't imagine an instance where I would be trying to decide on which vehicle to buy and am debating between a mini-van and a truck. Actually I have both and like them equally for different reasons (load kids in the van, load sheep in the truck), neither does the job of the other with any degree of satisfaction.

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