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Diesel Truck Owners I need some information
Hey Guys,
I bought the 2004 Ford F250SD diesel pickup as discussed in the Truck and Trailer subject,and it performs well towing a heavy trailer. I have 800 miles on it and I have two problems I need help with.
#1 I get diesel exhaust fumes in the cab when I pull up to a stop light and idle for a minute. It is faint when the AC is on but when the window is down it is strong. My throat burns after driving for awhile. I have had a couple of people ride with me and they noticed it also. I took it to the dealer and they said they can't find anything. I drove it out of the shop and noticed the fumes on my way home. I felt a little irrated but if the guy can't smell it how can he fix it? He said they checked it and even tried to force fumes by covering the exhaust pipe. Is this the way the truck is supposed to be? The exhaust pipe is at the back why would it put fumes in my window? I am coughing all the time after driving so it is concerning me. Let me hear from you guys.
#2 The 6 speed manual is very difficult to get in some gears. Trying to go from low to first is embarrasing. You end up in third because it won't go in. Also reverse to first is an experience. The dealer told me it just needs to break in. What is your experience?
Thanks in advance for the help
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Diesel Truck Owners I need some information
Are the Fords equipped with the fresh air system that stays on all the time? If so, the fumes could be coming from the air vents.
Just a thought.
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Diesel Truck Owners I need some information
I'd find a new dealer, and soon. Fumes in the cab and transmission problems like that are unacceptable.
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Diesel Truck Owners I need some information
I have a 2004 F250 SD that I have had for 6 weeks and 3500 miles. I have not had the problem at all. I can see where it might happen if you happened to stop with the wind blowing from back to front and the fresh air intake sucked it in or it came in thru an open window. But it should not happen otherwise.
I have the auto so can't comment on the shifting.
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Diesel Truck Owners I need some information
I just came back from the dealer (again) and took a drive with the tech. He said the trans was the gears needing to be worn in. The diesel fumes he said was the wind blowing. I asked him how at 40 mph the fumes could blow in and he said it can. I think I will try another dealer soon. I hate messing around with car dealers...
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Diesel Truck Owners I need some information
John, I've only got the 2000 F250 SD Diesel and I have not had any of the problems you are describing. I know the engine at least has changed. Has anyone put a wrench to an exhaust header/joints to check for loose bolts? Has anyone checked the exhaust joints that have gaskets to see if the gaskets are there? Something may be popping loose and cause the exhaust leak.
Mines the auto so I can't speak for that problem. Does sound atad weird though.
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Diesel Truck Owners I need some information
Echo: Sorry to hear of your teething problems with the new toy (oops, truck). I can comment on the manual trans in that when mione was new, it was a bit challenging to shift some times too. A bit of break in and alot of self induced training seemed to solve the problems.
On my tranny (New Venture 4500 5-speed) first gear is a "Granny Low" gear and is not used most of the time, therefore it is not synchronised. Yours may be the same? Also going from Reverse to First, or first to second still requires me to let out the clutch in neutral then go to next gear (double clutch), more so when heavily loaded.
I love my diesel and have gotten so used to the boquet of her exhaust I had to take the wife along on a trip to find out that she (The truck, guys!) has a leaky exhaust. There will allways be a SMALL scent of diesel, but it should not be overpowering. Maybe try a muffler shop?
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Diesel Truck Owners I need some information
You will need to learn to double clutch the granny to first and reverse to first, then you will be ok. The exhaust, if you have your windows open, you will smell it at a light, but not while driving, unless you have a short bed and the rear slider open. Get a creeper and crawl under with a flashlight. The good thing about diesel is the soot. If you have a leak, you will find it quickly. Check the joints from the manifolds to turbo and turbo back. On the 7.3, they tend to leak at the point where the left and right up pipes meet the turbo. They use donut gaskets and if the are not installed properly they will leak. Oh and capping the exhaust pipe to locate a leak on a diesel, heh, like that would help. That would usually stall out the engine long before you would locate the leak.
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