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Ford F250 SD Extended Warranty
Recently bought a new 2004 F250 SD. I almost never buy extended warranty as past experience has shown that I would have wasted a lot of money. In all my purchases, only once have I had a major repair (transmission) after I was out of warranty. Even then, the repair costs was only about what the extended warranty would have cost. And I always drive my vehicles well over 100k miles. However, when I bought my new truck, they said they have an extended warranty plan, that if you don't use it, the cost will be reimbursed at the end of the warranty period. Wow! I decided to take it as insurance. As I see it, if I don't use it, my only loss is the loss of interest on that money for that period. I could not find any "gotchas" in it. You just don't want to use it for minor repairs. Anyone else look at this extended warranty?
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Ford F250 SD Extended Warranty
Dealer sold extended warranties are a scam. The mark-up on these is several hundred percent, and are filled with more fine print than you can imagine. They are very similar to the paint and fabric protection warranties available through the dealers, nothing but smoke and profit.
The ones available through the MANUFACTURER are more legit and accepted in other places than the selling dealer or "network" shops.
I'm not a Ford guy so I don't know this warranty, but it sounds as though you did the research and fine print reading. Best of luck.
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Ford F250 SD Extended Warranty
My brother bought an extended warranty on a new 1987 Ford 4x4. The warranty worked exactly like you described. If he didn't use it, he would be refunded the $800.
He never used it but he also never took it back for 'any' reason. He got his money back at the end of the contract period.
I think it's the best extended warranty program around. Kinda like insurance except if you don't use it you get a full refund.
Just be careful and read the terms carefully. Like what happens if you use the factory warranty, will that count on the extended warranty as a use?
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Ford F250 SD Extended Warranty
I dont know if Ford has better luck with the new transmissions in th 04, but on the older models, 99-03, the transmissions tended to bit the dirt long before the engine warranty ran out, and the extended warranties usually paid for themselves at that point. I have a 99 Dually, and at the time it was sold, extended warranties were not issued on Duallies. The original owner had the tranny go bad while on a trip with a travel trailer and put up such a stink with ford that they issued a warranty for 100K miles on it. The truck now has 102K on it and the second tranny is acting up, but may be programming related, which I tend to get reprogrammed in the next few weeks to find out before I wind up having to dish out 3K for a replacement.
With any luck, you will never need that warranty. Good Luck and enjoy your new Stroke.
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