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SuperDuty Diesel Oil Change
Do you guys owning SD diesel pickups do your own oil changes or have it done? There was a time when I did all my oil changes on my gas trucks. I am approaching my first on my diesel and debating whether take it the dealer, an oil change place, or do it myself (last choice). What can you expect to pay at the dealer?
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SuperDuty Diesel Oil Change
I pay someone to change the oil. I don't have a container that can hold the 14 (I think) quarts of oil. That and the time is tight so it's easier for me to just pay someone.
For my 2000 F250 w/7.3L Turbo diesel, I typically pay $55-60 per oil change. But I use premium oil for diesels. I won't let some generic car oil go in there. I need this baby to go at least 300k miles. 125k miles so far.
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SuperDuty Diesel Oil Change
I get it done at the dealership along with every other service item . I do it every 4-4.5 K miles . It's a bit more expensive to go that route . But then I don't have to worry about finding a large enough container to hold the old oil or disposing of it .
It also gives me a set of reciepts to prove that I've serviced it regularly should the need arise for warranty work . John
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SuperDuty Diesel Oil Change
I have a Cummins but I do all my own oil changes. That way I ensure a Fleetguard Stratapore filter and 12 qts. of good oil go back in the engine (use John Deere 15W-40 Plus 50 in Summer and Rotella T 5W-40 synthetic for winter). I also double verify the proper torque (37 ft./lbs.) on the oil pan drain plug is correct and retorque hot. I also let the truck set over night and drain. Half the cost of paying for it and I log the services in the owner's manual.
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SuperDuty Diesel Oil Change
I take my Fleetguard filter to the oil change place and have them do it. I too have a problem getting rid of the 12+ quarts from my Cummins. I wind up paying about $35-40 for them to do the change every 5,000 miles. I have used 5w40 or 15w40 Rotella in it since new. 175k and counting.
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SuperDuty Diesel Oil Change
For the Stroke, do it yourself, it really isnt hard, and you will save at least 20-40 $ depending on where you live. Get a 16 quart dump pan, Rotella T 15W40 and a Motorcraft filter from Walmart. You will also need a strap wrench to take off and put back on the filter, a 3/4" open end wrench, and a hammer and ice pick. Go to Blackstone.com and get a oil sample kit mailed to you and when you get it, chage your oil, take a sample after the first gallon or so comes out so you can get a record of engine wear for your warranty. Poke a hole in the bottom of the oil filter so it drains, and makes it easy to remove. Fill the filter with fresh oil and attach it, making sure it is nice and tight with the strap wrench, then fill the truck with the other 3 gallons of oil. I usually find that after filling the filter, I only need to add the other 3 bottles, and I then put the leftover from the filter fill into 1 quart bottles and stick those in the truck in case I need them. I usually write the date and mileage on the filter with permanant marker for my records and to know when the next change is due. Blackstone is now including the little tags for the next change that you put on your windshield. When you are done, fill the empty bottles with the used oil and take them to any parts store, they usually dispose of them for free(they make money on used oil). I dont trust quick lubes with my Strokes oil changes. A $9000 engine is something that needs to be taken care of properly, and since I was a mechanic for 5 years, I know better then the boys at the quickie lubes what should be done on these babies. Dealers are too expensive and some dont even put the correct oil in. Be very careful where you take a diesel for maintenance, the wrong antifreeze can destroy the engine, as well as the wrong oil.
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