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Merry Christmas Everyone
Merry Christmas from the Beagle family. Remembering the Reason for the Season makes it Merry.
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Merry Christmas Everyone
Merry Christmas to all, I hope you all get to enjoy time with friends and family - gifts no amount of money can buy.
Being a new US citizen I am inclined to remind folk that the American way of life is what it is due to the unique nature of American civil affairs - that would have to include the activities of the ACLU. I lived in a country where civil liberties were not protected and the government itself was considered the greatest enemy - pity because they also got to make the rules. Be pleased we have peace, prosperity and some degree of balance in our society. Everyone contributes to that balance and it's well worth maintaining even if you don't completely agree with every item on everyones agenda.
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Merry Christmas Everyone
Hi Ann,
In this country, many (including myself) consider the ACLU to be our greatest enemy. Even moreso than Usama and hs ilk. Rome fell from within, not without.
So, even though the ACLU would like to prevent me from being able to say it (and is working as hard as they can to make it illegal to do so).....MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!
May the ACLU, Usama, Syria, Iran, etc. all have a holiday season full of swollen hemmorhoids, gastritus, the flu, and bankruptcy!

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Merry Christmas Everyone
Rather than just repeat what everyone else has said, let me add:
God bless our Troops, and a Merry (and Safe) Christmas to them and their families! Remember them in your prayors.
Take the time to use your CUT to remove the snow from your neighbor's driveway when they aren't looking, then deny it. Fun seat time and feels good too. I just got done doing 4 neighbors' driveways, since I'm home from school with no money for anything else to give, but free tractor time!!!
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Merry Christmas Everyone
Merry Christmas to all and to Detwang, the renewed gift of a silver-tongue, or in this case, silver fingers.
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Merry Christmas Everyone
I just got done doing 4 neighbors' driveways, since I'm home from school with no money for anything else to give, but free tractor time!!!
Those are the kinds of gifts most appreciated anyways (especially when done in secret). May God reimburse you a hundred fold.
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Merry Christmas Everyone
Merry Christmas to all and to Detwang, the renewed gift of a silver-tongue, or in this case, silver fingers.
Thanks (I think ). I'd rather have silver bullion though.

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Merry Christmas Everyone
The 2009 Holidays are here again! I wish all of you and your families the best. Looks like we will have a white Xmas eve until the rain starts Friday and Saturday.
I posted this to the Xmas message from 2004, so that all of the TP members who posted to this thread would know that we are thinking of them.
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Merry Christmas Everyone
A "Merry Christmas" to all here. The Christmas seasons seem to get closer together every year.
The TV weather persons have been promising us a snowstorm since Monday, but nothing yet, maybe it will be a fizzle.
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Merry Christmas Everyone
Merry Christmas one and all. 5 years and this thread is still going. May we all live our lives as strong and determined.
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