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 03-15-2005, 08:20 Post: 108044

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 Colonoscopy Tuesday how did your s go

I have been having it done every other year for the last 15 plus years. First couple of times my internist was stil using the old "silver stallion" NO FUN !!!!!!!!! Finaly got a flexible scope and that is much more comfortable.


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 03-15-2005, 09:01 Post: 108045

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 Colonoscopy Tuesday how did your s go

First time I went in for sigmoid, Dr found a polup right away and said he would be back, He went to a fellow Dr and got me in for colonoscopy right away, no use waisting that cleanliness.. got up, walked in, laid down, gotter done and got up and went out to lunch, no problem with not having medication, some hard pressure but not bad, 5 polups, none bad.. Went again last year,10 yrs later, drank an 8 oz. bottle of sodium stuff that worked fast. I went in and told the Dr. I wanted to do it without meds. and he said ok, if it didn't work they would just put on the mask and put me to sleep. 15 or 20 minutes later I was done and on my way, clean as a whistle.. Both times were in the morning, and later in the day, both times , I was real tired and took a nap.. unpleasant but not unbearable without being put to sleep and you don't have to wait around to wake up. my 2 cents...JohnJ

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 03-15-2005, 12:35 Post: 108056

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 Colonoscopy Tuesday how did your s go

I'm not at that age yet, but getting closer every year. I read with intense interest the articles on the non-invasive procedure that has been tested. It's more accurate and doesn't require a probe up the exit ramp. It's also more expensive. We'll see what medical science does with that new technology while I inch closer and closer to that age...

I have my fingers crossed... and toes and...

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 03-15-2005, 13:23 Post: 108060

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 Colonoscopy Tuesday how did your s go

The so called noninvasive proceedure is probably CT "virtual colonoscopy." The are claiming accuracy but that remains to be seen. The problem with the proceedure are the number of false positives. With x-ray CT, any drops of fecal matter left behind look the same as a polyp so you end up getting a colonoscopy anyway.

You also get a big dose of radiation in order to get the signal-to-noise necessary for a reasonable image.

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 03-15-2005, 15:58 Post: 108066

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 Colonoscopy Tuesday how did your s go

There is another I read about, You take the sodium cleaner then swallow a small protected camera, sleep the night and when expelled the next day, you take it to Dr. for development. Might be the easiest yet.. So far they are all a pain in the ... JohnJ

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 03-16-2005, 17:13 Post: 108124

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 Colonoscopy Tuesday how did your s go

Had my first at 40. Mother died at69 from colon cancer.
Probably still be with us if she had gotten hers.
I'm due in May for my second one, no sweat, compared to
the chemo. for not getting one.
My biggest discomfort was the three beautiful nurses
with the long black rubber hose. It is a highly curable
cancer if caught in time and the "clean as a whistle"
feels good.

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 03-21-2005, 13:34 Post: 108456

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 Colonoscopy Tuesday how did your s go

Iowafun – to agree with shortmagnum, the commonly used scope has the ability to remove the polyp(s) at the same time as the inspection. It’s a one trip deal!

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 03-24-2005, 06:36 Post: 108655

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 Colonoscopy Tuesday how did your s go

While I was scanning topics I did a double take on this one, almost like the one, "Whats the favorite thing you've put through a chipper?". I didn't expect to see a medical topic, but then again it is something most of us end of going through. I've had a couple and although I tolerated the procedure and recovery fine, I sure didn't like the Fleet cocktail I had to drink the night before. I tried the last one without any pain killer so I could drive home right afterwards. Half way through the procedure either the Dr. had used to much compressed air or my plumbing was kinked, I got pretty uncomfortable and the Dr immediately introduced something to ease the pain. I believe I was awake throughout the procedure, real dopey, but he was in and out fairly fast. Highly recommended especially what the alternative might be with family history, etc. Although a different form of cancer, I just lost a good friend and boss a couple of years back to prostate cancer. It was diagnosed when he was about 50 and he died just shy of his 62 birthday. The last two years sure weren't real pleasant for him.

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 03-25-2005, 18:10 Post: 108738

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 Colonoscopy Tuesday how did your s go

I must agree with everyone here. Had my first one at 45 due to the cancer in my family. Clean that time but five years later they removed five polyps. Scheduled me for a three-year cycle and am due this year again.

Some advise. Use the quick method of purge, not the start at noon the day before as I did the first time. I drank that gallon of mix that tasted like kidney excrement and suffered until the next morning with it.

The last time, I bought the soda pop/pill combo and simply drank the required amount of water. I started at 1800 hours and suffered much less. The preparation is MUCH worse than the test. In fact, that juice they shot into my I-V made my troubles go away for an entire day. For the first time in years I had breakfast with my wife and wasn't worried about what wasn't getting done elsewhere.

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 03-27-2005, 13:40 Post: 108855

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 Colonoscopy Tuesday how did your s go

My wife has these regularly. She and others we know claim the prepping is worse than the proceedure. We also know a medical rep. who sells the supplies. His advice to make it easier: ask for the "low sodium" prep kit. Rather than drinking a gallon of vile stuff you take a pill and/or a smaller volume of liquid. Also you must start weaning off solid foods 2 days early rather than just 12 hours, but the process is more gentle and easier to "swallow".

The CT colonoscopy still requires a tube to "inflate" your colon with CO2 and a similar prep regime, it requires radiation exposure, and if they find anything you still need to get a regular colonscopy to remove polyps. The CT version can't see flat lesions - only 3D-polyps, and only those above a certain size, although the newset CTs can find the same percentage of polys of "clinical significance" as a visual scope (which does miss a few at corners for example). So CTs are not really an advantage.

The camera that you swallow does not get 100% coverage on the way through, and it can't take samples or remove polyps. It also has limited resolution, but the technology keeps getting better. At the moment it is not considered a replacment for a colonoscopy if you are hunting for colon cancer or pre-cancerous conditions.

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