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Popcicle stand
Going to play with the grandchildren and their grandmother. See you on the 28th have a good weekend. And God Bless
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Popcicle stand
Hope you get to play with some tractors while you're there Have a safe trip.
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Popcicle stand
Man, grandchildren and tractors, what a great combination!
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Popcicle stand
Enjoy it ......
Five days, now *that's* what I call a weekeknd, a man after my own heart!!!!!! 
Best of luck (and weather!!).
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Popcicle stand
I'm back for today and will be gone until the 5th. Babys mothers do not want 3 month olds on tractors. We were just kidding but she was not.
I borrowed your popcycle stand I will give it back on the 5th.
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Popcicle stand
Baby's mother,
Yeah, you have to start new mothers slow.
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Popcicle stand
In a few hours I will be blowing this PS for two weeks. I'll be loading up the Kubota on the trailer and headin' North. No job, no internet, no hurry, just floating on the river and getting in some tractor time.
Well, I do have a few jobs to do like tearing out the old carpet and refinishing the maple floor underneath. And taking the oil furnace out of the basement and putting in baseboard electric (no moving parts makes sense when I can't be there). Oh, and a 200 amp service needs to be installed. There are a couple more things but I'm starting to get depressed. 
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Popcicle stand
have a good trip, what river.
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Popcicle stand
The best way to attack a lot of work is to be well rested. So be sure to have plenty of naps and snacks. Have good trip.
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