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I'm talking $7.50 per 50lb square bale. By the time it gets to NJ from the fruited plains, so much gas is burned that it costs that much and besides, the snooty horse owners in NJ can afford that and more.
Normally it's not that much. $4-$5 for horse quality hay for 50lb square bale.
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Anyone have an idea on what the going rate for the large (1000 lb?) round bails of "horse hay" will go for this year??
The guy who cuts my property is bailing it now (only one cut per year) and he will pay me per bail. At this point I don't know if the stuff is worth $10 or $100 per bail. Can anyone help me so I don't get ripped?
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There are so many factors that can determine the fair price for hay, (good hay/poor hay, big crop/short crop, transport costs, etc.) that make it almost impossible to have a price list that would fit more than a local aeria. There is likely a livestock sales barn, or a feed store somewhere nearby, likely someone there would know local hay prices. You also might call your county extension office. Frank.
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You don't need to look at it as if your are going toget Ripped.
He is cutting the Hay as a service to you and you are allowinghim to do it as a service to him. Have him make you an offer that he feels he should pay you per bale.
At least that way your field gets cut each year and you have a cut field, a clean field and some jing in your pockets. Don't look to get rich off of a hay Cut. Keep the relation with farmer a good one, he may sell you beef cheap or milk ir be around to return the courtsey many times over. People ar elike that, treat them right and the will treat you right.
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The common practice here would be for the two of you to split what the hay sold for.
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By no means am I looking to make an income from the cutting of hay. For the cutting and removal I would probaly give him the hay, but I do want to be educated a bit on how much or where to find how much the rate is so that I am not being taken advantage of either, that's all.
(I'm just hoping to offset some of the property tax with this money.)
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I used to give the hay free for the cutting just to keep about 3 quarters of an acre from growing up in weeds trees and brush.
I think it yielded 11 square bales.
At 2 bucks a bale that's 22 dollars you can't even get somebody to mow your yard for that.
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