Deare Creations
I talked my wife into making some dresses for the niece and cousin's babes. I posted the pictures under 16 and 17. Remember you need to influence them when they are young to like the right colors and equipment!!! Green tractors good!! Pink VW Beetles Convertables Pooie!!! Green tractors Good!! Pink VW Beetle Convertable Pooie!! Just think how much easier it would be for you to talk your wife into the new tractor if your father in-law or grand father had practiced this wise training regiment.
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Deare Creations
Do those come in a "Teddy". If so I wonder If Victoria Secrets stock them. Talk about a hot night on the old farm. Fire up the tractor. Those of you who are wondering, its not for me. I'm sorry My mind went the wrong way. I should know better.
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Deare Creations
For some reason I could only see the pink hangar. Pooie! But I think your sentiments are right on.
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Deare Creations
Sorry Ken my wife took the pictures for something else she is doing. Now you know what my father in-law created and the cross I have to bare. Remember this is not for us but our sons and grandsons.
I am sure she could make the teddy for you, but I am not sure you can train them at that age. You might need the whip, chains and cattle prod.
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Deare Creations

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Deare Creations
Beatles = 60's British Rock group
Beetles = VW auto, insect OR a German auto in the shape of an insect.
Deare = What you call the wife when you did something wrong usually preceeded by, "yes..."
Deere = What Blue guys won't be caught dead on
Deer = Yummy when dead AND cooked
Green(ie)= A semi-solid or solid mucus mined in the lower region of Nostril.
Anywho...me not being Blue explains why MY subliminal audio tapes said, "Green---baaad.... Blue, goooood"
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Deare Creations
Yes it was hot today EW, I think we were over 100. The beatles was my inability to spell without a spell ckecker, but the Deare was a poor pun.
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Deare Creations
This is a touchy subject in my house.
Even though my business is a decidedly Orange one, there's also a wide variety beyond that, we have Greene, Blue, Red, White and even a couple of Grey and Yellow tractors at the farm, but I also have a secret stash.
When I was a little feller, my Dad came home one day with a JD pedal-powered toy tractor, a real serious cast-metal job with rubber tires!! I still have it.
I also have quite a few bits of memorabilia that's all Greene stuff.
"Hi. my name is Ted and I have greene tractors." LMAO!!!
Best of luck.
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Deare Creations
"When I was a little feller, my Dad came home one day with a JD pedal-powered toy tractor, a real serious cast-metal job with rubber tires!! I still have it."
This is only problematic if you are still riding it. Otherwise we will keep your secret.
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Deare Creations
I like those outfits! I have my daughter wearing a baseball sleeper outfit and another one with dinosaurs on the fabric. I'm not happy with her playing with my wife's old doll and doll carriage. I think I need to step up and get her a Tonka dump truck.
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