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Michigan Advertising
The subject of the job and industry situation in Michigan has been discussed here so I thought you Michiganders would like to know this. A lot of radio ads have been airing here in Oregon trying to lure business to Michigan. Heck, if I had a business in Portland I'd be trying to move it so why not?
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Michigan Advertising
It probably is national ads, but that are playing big time on Myrtle Beach air waves also. Battery company, theater, solar single company, could be others.
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Michigan Advertising
Two things: Back home SW of Detroit there are several unscrupulous car dealers. The joke amongst the locals is these dealers are the only ones who advertise heavily on radio and TV---because they have to---they rarely have repeat business. They hook you with a so-called good deal and you get screwed (I was one in my younger days).
Same thing is happening with the State of Michigan advertising (not that they're screwing people necessarily). No company in their right mind with the exception of those willing to take advantage of the largely automotive brain pool or tax reduction benefits, will move there. It's not the end of the World, but daaang, we sure can see it from there.
Just yesterday I heard on national news that Ford was laying off 25,000 by the end of the year. For every Michigan autoworker job lost, 5 ancilliary jobs are lost too. And GM is in the process of reorg with possibly Nissan and/or another company. Inevitably many more jobs will be lost soon over that.
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Michigan Advertising
Lets see now!!! No jobs or should I say very little good ones left, I happen to have a good one, but many don’t…… The auto plants are laying off, so that makes the ripple effect for a whole lot of people, and lets not even talk about the TAXES in this state and on top of that how about the roads we drive on, that’s a real big joke, pot holes and orange barrels, Don’t get me wrong Michigan is a beautiful state if your heading north but down here near Detroit, I’m about 70 miles NW of Detroit and if you live on or near a lake you pay higher taxes, its not the price of the house it’s the taxes we have to pay.The bottom line to the whole advertising thing is they are blowing smoke up your but, it’s a little hard to make mortgage payments and car payment (not to mention Tractor payments) when the only jobs left to hire you is Wal-marts or a minimum wage job. And I won’t get started on the price of gas or diesel fuel around here. Lets see you drive 20 miles to go to work at minimum wage Wal- mart you make $5.50 an hour it costs you $3.10 per gallon of gas, so that leaves you about $2.20 to make your house and car payment. I don’t know about you but that’s really hard to live on these days. The bottom line is there is a lot of people out of work trying to make ends meet and there is no relief in the near or maybe distant future for some. So as the old saying goes “ last one out of Michigan turn the light off”..
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Michigan Advertising
Those of us still living in Michigan and working at manufacturing jobs are getting fewer all of the time. What I can't figure is, all the restaurants are full, the highways of full of people driving long distances with large vehicles and trucks pulling campers, etc. Malls are filled with shoppers.
Granted, homes and property are for sale everywhere, but fewer boats,PWC's, bikes and snowmobiles.
Taxes are high, since we are a wellfare State. More are getting on the wellfare lines and fewer are paying. Hugh homes are still being built, but fewer all along. Nobody builts a stick built house under 2000 sq. ft. anymore.
It is a way of life anywhere in the country. Employers are hiring the cheapest labor that they can. Good paying jobs are few and far between. Construction jobs and diaster repair jobs are paying well. There is a mass exodus out of all northern locations as the boomers are retiring and heading toward warmer climates.
I'm holding out and hoping that half the people leave (the right ones). It will then be nice and quiet. Unfortunately the bad guys are hanging around and we have more violence than every before in the inner cities.
Hope it turns around. I don't have any solutions. Our vehicle license plates still say "auto capital of the world".
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Michigan Advertising
yooper: My sense of the situation and I agree 100% with you is likely two things: living beyond their means, and credit. I think they realize the jig will be up so why not live it up while you can---after all the'll just go bankrupt. I can't tell you how may people I know or have met that have done this and become entangled in a credit web they'll never get out of.
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Michigan Advertising
botamac: Are you around Lansing or Howell?
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Michigan Advertising
Thanks guys. Making me really look forward to the move to Michigan. It is a pretty state to live in if you have a good job and don't live in Detroit.
I remember when Wisconsin reformed the welfare system to put a time limit on it and you had to work. The lefties all screamed that babies were going to starve to death. None did. They just moved back to Chicago when their Wisconsin benefits ran out.
Anybody in Minnesota/Iowa/Wisconsin need a mechanical engineer with an MBA and Blackbelt certification that likes tractors, cars, motorcycles, trucks, large equipment and is fascinated by explosives, cheese, brats, silly putty, tools and can bake an amazing cheesecake?
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Michigan Advertising
Iowa: "Anybody need...cheesecake"
Well, I dunno...you sound like a "catch"...so ahhhh, what are you wearing? tehehehe
By the way you weren't suppose to read these posts, but there's nothin' like a slap of reality from those who are either there, have been, or don't wanna come back. But I'm jis' sayin'.
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Michigan Advertising
Earthwrks… I’m east of Howel
And Yooper said living beyond their means many of the idiots buy these $300 $400 and yes $500 thousand dollar homes with NO money down and 3% interest only loans, and the loan is only good for three or five years and then reality hits now they have to get a real loan and find out they can’t afford the house in the first place. I just heard today that the unemployment in Michigan is said to be around 6%, but in realty it’s about 24% or higher, the 6% they state on the radio or TV is the unemployment in the last 6 months. They don’t tell you about the people who are still on unemployment or off of it do to the fact their time is up and they can’t find a job.
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