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A song for tractor lovers
You and your fellow tractor enthusiasts might get a kick out of this:
I'm not a tractor man but my friend Charlie Schroeder is. He recently restored an International Harvester TD18a (a BIG job!). He told me the story of his ordeal as he tried to scavenge and recreate old parts and arcane tractor knowledge.... and wouldn't you know, I came up with a song about it.
Even though it's about an IH, it has sentiments that apply to all makes.
You can hear it at:
Click on "OLD TRACTOR" and you can see a picture of the old treaded beast AND hear an MP3 of the song.
I hope you like it.
Dennis Doyle
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A song for tractor lovers
I like it! Nice job (to you and Charlie).
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A song for tractor lovers
Yes, ditto. Great song!
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A song for tractor lovers
OK, I ordered the CD. I will now have some good tractor music while going up the Hudson River on my little boat.
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A song for tractor lovers
I liked the song but it's really not my preferred style of music. It's good music for sitting in a bar and listening though.
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A song for tractor lovers
I liked the whole web site. Thanks
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A song for tractor lovers
Thanks to all you tractor folk! The response to my song has been terrific!
I've posted on several tractor boards and the positive posts and emails have been very heartening! I've received hundreds of hits to the various sites and I even managed to sell a few CDs.
If anyone is interested, I have a few more shots of Charlie's TD18A that I'd be happy to forward. Just Email me.
Also I'd like to ask a favor:
I have the "Old Tractor" song in a sort of contest, the winner of which receives internet radio airplay on Folk Alley. If you go to the link below, you can hear your favorite tractor song, and (if you Log In, which is simple and non-intrusive) you can rate it 1 to 5. Highest rated songs get the radio airplay.
There is some great music at the site, even besides the "Old Tractor"!
Thanks again!
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