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UN Question
Why does the UN think that the USA needs to stop Israel? Why dont they ask France, Spain, or Germany. They marched their asses down there during the Crusades. Time to step up to the plate. It is in their back yard. I dont understand. Is there a feel good answer to My question.
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UN Question
The UN is a neutered, islamofacist sympathising, waste of time and money. All they have to say is what the ill-liberal, Anti-Semitic leftists of the world tell them to.
Make you feel any better? 
Me neither.
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UN Question
Thanks for sugar coating it.
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UN Question
SG, it all boils down to the "Golden Rule" .....
The one with the 'gold' rules!!
Without US cash, trade and support, there would be no state of Israel, it would have self-destructed from spending itself into oblivion long ago.
If the US says jump, Israel will ask only "How high?".
On the other hand, Israel is the US's pit-bull in the area, it does the nasty jobs and stands watch amongst some of the true bullies of this world.
That's "point duty" I wouldn't want to take.
Best of luck.
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UN Question
If you look through history you will see the following proved over and over. From the 12th Chapter of Genesis:
2 I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
I rather be the nation that bless's Israel.
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UN Question
I think we're getting into some muddy waters here.
The term "Israel" as used in the Bible, has the dictionary definition of "a people chosen by God" which is not, and should not, be confused with a geographic location.
Calling myself something does not necessarily make it so.
Likewise, naming a country "a people chosen by God" does not necessarily make it so.
So far in history, it appears that indeed there has been some divine protection of them, but I for one remain a little sceptical.
In fact the same could be said for "one nation under God".
Best of luck.
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UN Question
I appreciate your thoughts and agree at least to some degree. I really believe most Bible scholars agree the Jews of today are those decedents. At the same time all who live there are not Jews nor do all Jews live there.
As to the line "one nation under God" man came up with that, as I think for a goal. When God says something, hard for it to be wrong.
Without a doubt there is much more that could be discussed on these topics, however if I err, let it be on the safe side.
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UN Question
Not to split,split hairs, but my dictonary states Isreal literally means "the prince that prevales with God". The name was given to Jacob after he wrestled with the angel Genesis 32:28. Isrealites were those that decended from Isreal.
The most of the people in the region decend from Isreal as 12 tribes intermarried into the surrounding population. Concerning chapter 12 both sides of the conflict in the area decend from Abraham.
I do agree that stating "One Nation under God" or "In God we Trust" doesn't make it so.
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UN Question
Right or wrong I back Isreal. Maybe I misworded the question. I do belive that there are other nations in the UN other than the USA. I never hear those nations being call upon to settle problems in the world. They are the first to bash the USA with the exception of Canada and UK to my knowledge. Why are they not called upon first? Maybe we can learn something from them? Like how to realy screw up. I want to see France,Germany, Spain, and the other realy concerned nations take the lead. Maybe there is no answer. Does Kofi Annan realize that there are other nations in the UN.
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UN Question
With some other nations this might make sense. For example for North Korea it would make sense for the UN to call on China, but for Isreal the US has the most pull, I guess.
I have a friend that is an international banker and he believes the tail wags the dog so to speak in this relationship. If you think of the banks control on the US economy and the people that control the bank, he may be right.
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