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Well I m offended by this
I find the article below interesting. Yet I am again offended by people imposing their will upon other's freedom. Read it and you'll understand!
PARIS (Reuters) - Parisian sunbathers will no longer be allowed to go nude or wear g-strings on the capital's artificial beaches and risk a fine if they are caught baring their breasts or buttocks.
City hall has issued a decree banning indecent clothing to preserve the tranquility of the sandy beaches created on the banks of the River Seine every summer since 2001.
"People must behave according to good standards to maintain tranquility, security and public order," the decree said, according to Saturday's edition of Le Parisien. "Notably indecent attire (nude sunbathing, g-strings and toplessness etc) is forbidden."
The city police will be enforcing the rules, and anyone caught baring too much flesh risks a 38 euro ($48) fine.
Defending the decree, city hall sports official Pascal Cherki told Le Parisien that indecent clothing "could have led to temptations and dangerous behavior on the banks of the river."
Topless sunbathing and g-strings are common on real beaches around France in the summer.
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Well I m offended by this
IOWA: Just think of that 20-year-old blonde down the street, low-cut blouse, tight jeans, cherry red lip stick...you know the one... the three-hundred-pounder. Would you want HER wearing a g-string or going topless? Daaang these low-rider jeans on girls that are metobolically-challenged just don't a figure justice. How 'bout beer-drinkin', button poppin', Uncle Harold in his speedo? Uh uh. Sometimes rules are made to single out a few violators, and this, well, might be the reason. I know I don't have a problem with a gorgeous female body being "out there" for public oggling, but consider the alternative--and be thankful.
And by the way Michigan does have nude beaches and nude camp grounds---not that I'm a member---admittedly I'm in the same crowd as Uncle Harold.
But I'm jis' sayin'.
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Well I m offended by this
London was in the new last week for about same reason. Were passing a law banding the topless dress of it seems men with hairy chest and fat stomach as it was hurting business in town. Oh well, guess they don't offer weight loss programs there.
As to those nude beaches in Michigan, are they only open in Jan and Feb?
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Well I m offended by this
In the words of Mick Jagger " The girls walked by dressed in their summer clothes, I had to turn my head until the darkness goes". Remember Mini skirts, daisey dukes, hip huggers now its g-strings. I can look, not touch.
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Well I m offended by this
To me, that is just "window shopping" with no intent to buy.
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Well I m offended by this
I cant even make a down payment. My pattern is flown.
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Well I m offended by this
As my wife puts it, "The day you stop looking is the day they hand me the flag and thank me for your service to the country.".
She also says "I don't care where you get your appetite, as long as you come home for dinner!!".
She's a smart gal!!
Best of luck.
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Well I m offended by this
I understand both sides of the issue. That's why car shows usually only feature the shiniest cars without any blemishes. Still, to ban all car shows because a few cars have body damage may not be the best solution.
Alas, I too have seen the hip-hugger jeans worn by fashion trendy, yet calory challenged women. Same goes forthe whale-tail thing look. Looks great on fashion models, but not on the 200+ plus woman.
That's why I don't wear a speedo. Ain't no one gonna wanna see that!! But to ban everything because of a few bad examples may not be fair.
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Well I m offended by this
Did you use car shows in order to represent bulk. they say that there is someone for everyone. Love comes in all sizes, if you don't show it, it might pass you by. Speedos are not for me. I'm a throw back to the 60's and 70's surfer baggies and cut offs. Shirts worn out side.
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